
HELP WITH GARMIN NUVI 200!! expressways? highways? interstates?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Chicago. If I am somewhere, and I want to find the closest entrance to 90E or I88 or 294S how the heck do I get this thing to understand????? Even if I put in 294 in the street name it has no idea. It recognizes "routes" like if I put 59 in the street name it will give me route 59, but what about major highways? Does anyone know? Owner's manual is useless & customer support on the phone is 30 min. wait. Thanks!!!!! :)




  1. put the title as CR (county road)    first. or whatever the alternate name of the highway starts with.

    in NJ mine doesn't understand "Dover ave" it understands

    "CR 501" when they are the same exact road.

    hope this helps.

  2. you need address to address.

  3. i need points real quick im sorry for this nonsense asnwer....>.<

  4. Try going to the map page, put the cursor somewhere on the interstate going in the direction you want to go, then tell the GPS receiver to route you to that point.  The route should get you onto the expressway that way.

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