

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i was walking home when i saw a little bird sitting in the center od the sidewalk. i aproched it and it just sat there. It was injured of course and looked to have fallen of the roof of a 2 story. There were no other birds in sight so i took my shirt off and scooped it up. I put it in a empty 20 gallon tank with top and a towl and some reptile bedding. i gave it my snaked big water bowl for a birdbath thing. Is there any thing special i shpuld do to help it. i kind of want to keep it even after it is able to fly, it is so cute. i was thinking about getting a bird cage for it. is this a good idea




  1. yeahh, take it to a vet, cause they can carry lice


  2. Are you sure this bird is truly injured..breeding season is just ending and it is possible this is a baby bird that has not yet learned to fly.  If this is the case, you need to put it back where you found it as the parents are nearby caring for it.  If it is indeed injured, it needs to go to a local wildlife rehab..not a vet (they are not licensed to care for wildlife)and will likely euthanize it.  Also, it is illegal for you to keep a wild bird in your possession..they are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.  Look here for a rehab near you:

  3. First off, I would like to say you are very sweet and caring in trying to save the bird. But I must ask if you know what kind of bird it is.

    If it is a parakeet, cockatiel, or other domesticated bird, then it is safe (and legal) for you to keep it as a pet.

    If it is a sparrow, robin, or other wild bird, then you should not buy a cage and keep it as a pet and set it free as soon as is better. Also, call your local animal control for advice, as most wild birds can carry disease.

    What kind of injury does it have? Is it a broken wing, a broken foot, or something else? I would take it to a vet or call animal control to see if anything can be done.

    For food, earthworms are good if it is a wild bird; you can buy domestic bird food (as well as wild bird seed) at any pet store. Have a small container/bowl of fresh water handy also.

    If it is still a baby, you can mash up earthworms or buy a hand-feeding formula for birds at a pet store and feed it to him with either tweezers for worms (to stimulate the mother's beak) or a medicine dropper for liquid formulas.

    Try to buy a perch or a make a temporary one as standing on flat surfaces can do lots of harm to most birds' feet.

    I hope that helped; and best of luck!

  4. i don't want to be the bad guy, but you really shouldn't keep it. if you did it would be very selfish. you don't know how old it is, what it should eat, what temperature to keep it at, were to put it, if it has diseases, what is injured, or how to help the bird so it can heal properly. not knowing what to do to heal the injury could be a HUGE problem because if something is broken and it doesn't heal properly then the bird may always be in pain, never be able to fly again, die, and it will be all your fault. i was in the same situation about 2 months ago. i really wanted to keep it, but i knew that the bird was injured therefor it needed professional care. i took my new feathered friend to the vet and they took it, tested it for diseases, treated all the diseases, treated the wound, and then released it in this place were they release all their wild birds. the place had a lake, lots of trees and bushes, all the right types of food the bird needed, others of its kind, and no houses or roads except for the one house that belonged to the owner of the veterinarians office, who went over to the lake and made sure that all the birds were okay daily. this was a very happy turn out for the bird, who we named larry. i STRONGLY suggest that you call your vet and ask them if you can bring the bird in, or if they know of a place locally that can properly care for the bird. i hope you make the mature decision and good luck.

  5. take it to a vet to get it checked out first before you keep it

  6. you should first figure out what type of bird it is what it eats and then take it to the vet so that you dont get any disease ,idk anything special to do to the cute lil birdy lol...but um take care of it and get it a big cage ... tanks arent for birds

  7. Keep it in a shoe box.  you can try feeding it with and eyedropper.  I've had a couple of injured birds and they all died.  Good luck!

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