
HELP WITH POEMS!! pleaseeee ;]?

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do you think it is bad to use little tiny lines of other pples poetry to make your own like "comple bliss" or all the sanity?

how can i make GOOD POETRY ? ;/ thnxx




  1. I think we may all accidentally use lines from other people's poetry - and it would be difficult sometimes to avoid doing so.

    Take for example, Shakespeare, our speech is peppered with lines from his plays....all that glisters (sic) is not gold - all's well that ends well - parting is such sweet sorrow

    and so on.

    But, it wouldn't be right to knowingly take lines from some-one else's poem (this is called plagiarism).

    I use other people's poetry (as you may have seen recently..called Following in the footsteps - I use an acknowledged poet's first verse, and then try to emulate their style, language and subject matter.  It is a good exercise.

    I'm sure with plenty of reading of other poets you will begin to understand and be able to see how they have achieved their unique use of words.

    Good luck

  2. Stop using other peoples line  if you need them than give it up it not your calling may be your a Wright not a poet

  3. Don't take lines from other people poems. That's bad. You can use lines as inspiration if you like them. Wait till you have sufficient inspiration then, and you won't need to take others' lines.

    To get good at poetry, takes either practice or having a natural gift for it. Reading well known poets and learning from them can help.

  4. I would not use other's lines unless you paraphrased.  

    Good poetry comes from the mind and heart, inspiration.  Once you are in a creative mood, and you have inspiration, it should be easy to write good poetry.  And if other people don't like it, don't worry.  It is your poem and you have a right to be proud of it.

  5. There are a billion lines. It is hard to make a completely original one.

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