
HELP! We found cockroaches hiding in the furniture!?

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My fiance and I were in the process of moving his grandmother's belongings into our house. While removing some of her wood furniture from the moving truck his brother noticed some bugs hiding within the joints of some of the pieces of furniture (i.e. shelves, bookcases, dresser, etc.) Fortunately for us his brother recognized the little suckers as being roaches and alerted us to the issue before we moved any of the furniture in. Her items are now in temporary storage (at a storage facility near her old house) but we have no idea what to do in the meantime. We were contemplating bug bombing the storage room while it has all of her stuff in it but with what and how, we don't know. A few small pieces of furniture sat in the new house for a few minutes (during daylight hours) so we were considering bombing the house as well as a precautionary measure. Should we just trash her stuff and start over or is there something that will kill them? Someone told us her stuffed furniture is screwed...




  1. Well you should take a look at the furniture and see what condition it is in. If you find that its not in a good condition just simply throw it out. If you feel you want to keep it, get pestacide control, and they will clean it out for you.

    As for your house, you can hire someone to inspect your house to see if therea re any sort of bugs living in your home. If they find any, be prepared to crash at someones house for about a week or more until it is clean.

    If you want to be informed more just ask the person who is ridding your house of bugs. There are two that i know of. Chemicals and some electronical one. The electronical one sends sound waves through your home and the bugs make a run for it. There is also a plug in version, that is quiet and you can keep around to prevent infestations

    Good luck :D

  2. I would consider talking to a terminator.  I know when my mother was younger roaches infected her cousins beanbag and bed (she sat down on the bean bag and they came flying out) and the terminator told them there was nothing they could do for the mattress, so the stuffed items may be trashed.

  3. You truly are fortunate you didn't move anything into your place at all, so you're fine in that respect.  You could easily "bomb" the area where all her furniture is.  Make sure all the cushions are out of the couches & chairs if  decide to bomb it.  Also, you have the dimentions of the room they,re in, so you really could get the correct size bomb for that area.  You could go to a repuptable hardware store, tell them your delima & ask for their advice re: the roaches.  A good bomb w/do the trick tho.  But if you're going to do it, don't wait for them to start multiplying,  do it NOW.  Be sure to ask the man if the one dose w/do it or if you'll need a follow up job just to be sure.  They really are a mess to get rid of, but it certainly can be done efficiently.  I lived in am apt. house with several apts. in it, &  the whole place had to be bombed & we just had to vacate the place for a period of a day. It sure did the trick, because we had a royal epidemic in every apt. You could walk in a room, especially the kitchen, turn on the lites at nite, & the walls were covered w/them.  It gives me the shivers now even thinking about it.  But the one application sure did the trick & got rid of them all for good.  See if maybe he could sell you something a professional would use.  You'd also have the advantage of leaving the storage unit cosed up longer than a normal apt. would have.  If it's all good furniture, it would definately be to your advantage.  You might ask too if there's a way you can make sure you've gotten them all for good.  Sure can't hurt..I'm sure too that you've got some lovely antiques among them....Best to you...:)

  4. Go get some Combat gel put it all over the storage area, try to get it in the joints of some of the furniture, leave it set for a couple weeks, when you take it out make sure you wash everything, then before you move it in, put more gel anywhere you can hide it that kids and pets wont touch....Works Wonders

  5. trash it and start over.

    once infested with roaches its ruined.


  6. IN the furniture? Omg, gross!

    If I were you, I would bomb those little suckers!

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