
HELP!! What's a good venue for a high school reunion?

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Feeling the crunch -- our venue fell through.




  1. I cant remember the name of the hotel but I stayed in it and it was wonderful. It was about 10 stories high Im guessing and it had an indoor swimming pool, and wonderful areas. I would strongly recommend it.

  2. Museum, I've been to a few events at them and they have been wonderful.

  3. How many people?  For up to 300 people I would choose the Holiday Inn in Eureka.  (I'm assuming that you are talking about St. Louis or you wouldn't have posted this question in the St. Louis section.)  They do lots of weddings and banquets and a buffett can run at $42.00 (or less)  a person (including food, open bar, DJ, dessert, event planner, and more!)  I would be surprised if you could find anything offering a meal, music, and open bar for less!

  4. can you rent the local high school gym? that would seem appropriate..

  5. how about a local five star hotel...or even an average hotel thats local to you all, say in towm sons going to a hotel with his friends  this  june.

  6. Call the hotels and banquet halls in the phone book.

    Here is some advice you didn't ask for that I paste every chance I get;

    The single most important thing you can do to insure a good time is talk to the DJ before hand. The people who never left town and see each other every week at PTA, soccer practice, poker night etc. are going to want to dance. The ones who DID leave town and flew 1,500 miles to attend are going to want to catch up, and they are not going to want to shout over the music.

    The ideal solution, if you can afford it, is to hire two rooms. Unless you are from Beverly Hills High, you won't be able to do that. Having the music "on" for 30 minutes, then off for 30 would be a reasonable compromise. Promise the DJ the same amount of money as if he played all night. Impress upon him the desire of half the audience to talk. Reunions are not the same as dances or concerts. People  don't go to concerts to talk. They do go to reunions want to talk. Keep hammering that home to the DJ. If necessary, tattoo it on his forehead backwards and give him a mirror. Appoint a "Quiet time" monitor.

    I hear "It was a nice reunion, but the DJ ruined it" a dozen times a year from friends and family.

  7. Here in Pittsburgh we have riverboat cruises which is lovely on a June evening

    But we are getting Casino's now and that's where everyone wants to go

    and one of us is a DJ, so..

  8. ?

  9. A hotel banquet hall.

  10. Ours is at the Zoo, which is ridiculous in price.  they are charging 60 bucks per person to go!  Most of the class decided to not attend due to cost alone.  We are doing another event the night before at a local bar.  We just spoke to the bar owner, and if we can guarantee a certain number, they are not charging us to use the facility.  They are giving us happy hour prices for the event as well.  Everyone has to buy their own drinks, but then they determine how much they are spending.  

    I would call a few local bars/pubs.  Summer is the slower season for them so if you can guarantee 200 people on a night they would normally have 50, they will really work with you.

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