
HELP! What Protein Shake should I use?

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Should I go for Whey 100%, or Complete Whey Protein by CytoSport, or Whey 100% Gold Standard? Any others you know that are high in protein and low in fat?

I want to lose fat and gain muscle.

I workout everyday from Mon-Fri. Cardio everyday as well.




  1. Learn what the pros use for nutrition and copy their ways to success! I recommend 100% Whey Gold Standard, the only protein we recommend!

  2. You should eat a lot of food protein like fish, chicken, nuts, milk, cheese but dont overdo it. if you burn as much calories as you eat then you'll grow muscle.

  3. Try steroids.

  4. Protein is Protein. Whether you get it from a powder or food.  Protein is not a fad diet.

    The best thing you can do is compare the product labels, find one that is relatively low in Carbs, Fats, and Sugars. It will taste gross, but you can usually remedy that by adding a non-fat or low-fat yogurt of your favorite flavor or fresh fruit of your choice. (or flavored soy milk if it's one that calls for milk not water)  

    Also eat right, simply drinking protein shakes will not help you.  Try eating whole grains, (such as whole grain pastas if you must eat the carbs) and lean proteins (such as chicken and turkey) Fish is also a good choice as long as it's prepared correctly (broiled or baked with non-fattening seasonings such as lemon juice and/or lemon pepper, garlic etc.) Also plenty of veggies, salads (with light dressings or oils) and fruits.

    Also, I wouldn't recommend a high protein intake the days you're not working out, while protein can be turned into muscle if you work at it, if you over do it it can also pack on the pounds.

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