
HELP! What are some good home base jobs?

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I'm an full time college and also in an wheelchair! I would like to know how can i work from home and earn money while maintain in school




  1. There are many ways to earn through home based jobs. However, most of them would comes from online.

    See: http://www.internetbusinessmodelonline.c... if you are interested. I know that there are different ways introduced in this webpage that tell other how people earning their income online. Some of these ways also come with some step by step guide.

    Hope it helps.

  2. I work for a company writing for Prevention Magazine. They are currently hiring Women over the age of 18 as writers or photographers and no experience is necessary. This is part of an effort to get real women contributing real content about their lives, health, diet and family for their new site .  If you want to apply you can go to

    The program is limited, interested women should apply soon.

    It's a great opportunity to work from home right now.

  3. I know a lot about this topic, I have a lot of good info for you. Many people are looking for work from home companies. All the scams definitely create a big problem but also, there is a problem of people misunderstanding the difference between work from home "jobs" and work from home opportunities. There really is no such thing as a work from home “job”. To get that you have to start working for a company in their offices first, then they MAY allow you to take the job home and that’s only if you have special training such as in Website design, being an Attorney, Bookkeeper and the like.

    Most of the work from home opportunities that are legitimate offers are not an hourly pay type job. They are business opportunities that help you in starting your own business from your home.

    What you should do first is to decide if you are simply looking for an hourly rate type job or if you are looking for more of an opportunity for additional income such as what you would make in your own business being your own boss from home. Many say a JOB stands for Just Over Broker and I have found that to be true as well. I never got anywhere working for others.

    Small home businesses have some small costs involved, less then $100 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $300, $500 even some asking for $1000. It doesn’t cost that much to start and run a home business so you shouldn’t pay it. The real ones will have a small monthly overhead as well. Should be around $50 a month but no more then $75. And everything should be included from your web sites to training and team support to back office accounting and booking. It’s ok to pay this overhead because it’s a business, they cost money. It’s not reasonable to assume you can run a business from home with a website and more for free so do keep that in mind as you search.

    If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are. I tried them many a times and 3 weeks later I had to buy this and 6 weeks later that. After 6 months these “free businesses” had cost me over $800 on average.

    I’m a stay at home wife and a licensed nurse here in the state of California. I work about 22-28 hours per week for a National Medical Benefits Company. This is a home business, a nationally known and reputable home business which is what you need to make sure you are looking for. I have been with the company almost a year now and I make over $2000 a month! In your first month, depending on how many hours you can work I have seen people make anywhere from $300 to over $2000. And your income will increase each month because we get paid residual income as well. If I continue on as I am going at the end of the year I will be making $5000 a month. My friend Rebecca from Hales Corners, Wisconsin started 2 years before me and she is now making $45,000 a year with her home business; $25,000 of that is residual income.

    The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit and a benefits package. In addition, there are no products, no hard selling or pushing, no cold calling, no home parties and no telemarketing! That was VERY important to me.

    I absolutely love working with them and I can't believe I am making what I am making and in so few hours per week. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone. You have great team support and you get to know the other people on your team pretty well. The support is great but I have made wonderful friends as well. I think that’s important too, especially being at home!

    I was a bit apprehensive at first because I know a lot of companies are not legit but this company is the number one National Medical Benefits Company in the US. They are a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, The Consumer Health Alliance and the National Association of Dental Plans which is very impressive. Also they were featured in “The New York Times”, “Wall Street Journal” “Time Magazine” and the “American Medical Review” and the May issue of Parents Magazine. Even “60 Minutes” with Morley Safer did a big special on this home based business.

    Even more then all this is they are accepted at over 100,000 retailers nation wide. These are fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target, Walgreens, CVS, Wal-mart, Publix and more. These companies would never work with a company that was any thing less then reputable. That made me feel very good about working with them knowing they were accepted at these stores that I frequent. Also now of course being with them I get the dental and vision benefits for free and I saved over $650 on my last visit to have labratory work done. That’s just a beautiful perk! : - )

    When I first started I just felt very safe with them, that and my friend was already making so much money with Ameriplan. But at this point I feel a sense of security financially that our family has never had before. That plus LOVING what you do? What could be better?

    Check them out! Just type in in your web browser.


  4. Well, what are your qualifications?  I assume since your on the net that you have internet and a telephone?  There are a lot of different things you can do.  Understand though that the majority of home based jobs only pay minimum wage.  After taxes are taken out, your income ends up being below minimum wage.  If this is sufficient amount of income for you, then I know an article that was written on home based jobs with a few different places in which you can apply for a position.  If that's not enough income, then your other alternative would be to have a home based business.  Same income opportunity as a traditional business without all the over head expenses.

  5. There are a few options out there and it depends on your passion and time you put in on the project that you take, I personally run a Credit card website which brings ok money a month, I got back my investment within a month of starting, check out and click on the banner on the left hand side which says Make Money Marketing Credit Cards, it will give you more details on how it works. The only thing you have to do is promote your site and you will get paid for every credit card approval.

  6. You can be a medical transcriptionist or a researcher. Paid blogging is also a good idea.

  7. I have a successful home business and some of my friends and I have put together a free website to help others start their own business (and avoid scams). If you are looking for more information check out our Great Home Based Businesses site. We have specific pages on: hundreds of great ideas for home based businesses by category (including information on kit businesses and franchise businesses); resources for selling from home; resources for providing services from your home; avoiding scams and a lot of other pointers. PLEASE NOTE: we do not have a business or product that we want to sell you - our site is all about providing information.


    When it comes to avoiding scams - here are some things that we have learned - if you are unsure then you need to ask yourself the following questions:

    1. What is the value that you have added to the product or project?

    2. Would someone pay you to perform this service in person?

    3. Do they need money upfront?

    Some legitimate businesses may require that you pay a franchise fee or buy a business kit in order to start your business with them. The presence of an upfront fee is not a definite sign of a scam - many businesses have legitimate reasons for requesting upfront fees. Reputable franchises spend a lot of money on advertising, research, branding and other items. They charge a franchise fee in order to cover these costs and in order to earn a profit from the companies operating under their banner. Chances are decent that if you have heard of and seen the franchise in your real life (other than from the person "selling" it to you!!) then it is legitimate business. Kit based businesses can collect fees for the same reasons and also to cover the cost of your business start-up kit. Again this is a mixed bag - some companies charge fees that merely recover their costs of material - knowing that they will make their money off the mark-up on their products. Other (less reputable) companies often sell "kits" that are made up of books and other materials that provide little or no value to the person purchasing it - they do not care if you sell any of their products - some do not even have real products - they make their money from selling these "kits". Again it is important to go for businesses that you are familiar with or do your research.

    4. Do you KNOW anyone that has successfully made money with this business?

    5. Does the person "recruiting" you make money just by signing you up?

    Beware of "pyramid" schemes - schemes in which people are paid based on how many people they sign up not based on sales or other indicators. Finders fee or referral fees are very common in all businesses but they are not the main source of money in a legitimate business. Not only are pyramid schemes illegal in most places but only the first few people in a pyramid actually make any money - the people in the centre are lucky to recover their initial investment and the people at the bottom are the ultimate losers - they lose their full investment.

    and the main question:

    6. Does it sound too good to be true?

    Because if it does - then it probably is!!

    You need to RESEARCH all aspects of starting a small business. This means checking with your local and federal better business bureau or other business verification agency. BTW - seeing a "Verified" or "BBB" (Better Business Bureau) logo on their website does not mean that they are actually registered with any qualified agencies. Many sites will put a dummy logo on their sites and some go as far as providing a link to a dummy verification page on their own domain!! You should be able to go directly to the agencies site and lookup that business there. If you find such a logo on a website then find that they are not members in good standing with that agency - then they are SCAMS!! Run away from this business, pausing only to report the site to your local fraud bureau.

    Some of the more common scams are:

    i. Stuffing envelopes: this common scam has you "buy" envelopes and flyers from a company - once you have stuffed the envelopes and submitted then the company will often say that the quality is below standards and do not pay you for your work - worse you never get your initial fee back.

    ii. Home assembly: this is very similar to the scam discussed in (i) - you pay for the raw material - make the products and company rejects them - leaving you out both money and time.

    iii. Medical billing: some reputable companies provide medical billing services from home and look for new typists all the time. Unfortunately, scammers have caught onto this and are trying to get people to pay hundreds of dollars to special equipment and software to do this from home. Most legitimate companies looking for workers will NOT charge the person any fees upfront. They will sign a contract with the person and provide a license to their existing software - they will also provide all of your work - you do not have to (and usually can not) try to get jobs directly from medical clinics.

    iv. "E-mail processing", "typing from home" or claims to "use your computer to make millions" or to help you "make money online": your return for investing in these scams? a half-baked summary of how you can scam others the same way you have been scammed. There are ways to earn money typing from home - but again - legitimate companies will not ask you to pay up front fees - they will not offer to sell you "customer lists" - they will provide you work directly.

    v. "E-mail us for more information" or "call us at 1-900 for more information": these scams collect contact information for legitimate and scamming marketing lists. Further 1-900 phone numbers cost you money - money that goes to the scammer. The other concern is that these scams often request additional information to sell to other scammers or to engage in identity theft.

    vi. Chain letters / e-mails promising that you will "make money fast" or requesting that you send them personal or financial information or send money: these scams collect contact information for scammers, facilitate identity theft and take money from those unwitting enough to send it.


    My key pieces of advice in picking your business:

    1. Do what you know and love.

    2. Follow your instincts.

    3. Figure out how to provide value to your clients.

    4. Talk to successful home business owners that you know and trust.

    5. Whatever you do - try not to limit yourself to one income source - one of the best ways to grow your small business is to open yourself up to other income streams. If you start a catering business maybe you could also teach cooking classes in your house, or if you start a typing business then you could also do legal transcription for sale. This approach has been invaluable to me - allowing me to get through slowdowns in my "core" business.

    6. Accept that "get rich quick" schemes only work for 1 in every million people and generally require illegal activity - instead try to build a lasting business that will continually pay you a reasonable amount.

    As for specific ideas - there are hundreds - most of the ones we discuss on our site relate to you selling your own products (e-books, crafts, antiques, designs, CDs, DVDs, knowledge via website) or selling your own services. We generally recommend that you not pay someone else for the right to promote their products but develop your own. Contrary to popular belief - everyone has some skill or knowledge that is valuable.

    Also - if you are interested in a "kit business" such as Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, AVON, etc...  or a home based business franchise such as ActionCoach, Coffee News, WSI corporate, Candy Bonquet, etc... - we have a pages dedicated to these businesses on our site.

    Anyhow - that's my two cents - Good luck with your business - I'm sure if you do your homework you'll be very successful!!

  8. Hi there.. I work for a great company that teaches people how to go from $0 out of pocket to making $120 in less then 24 hours. They then show you how to leverage your free money into passive income. You are also in a position to make free $40 payments all day long!!

    I put my reputation on the line and provide people with my telephone number.. you can see it on my youtube proof video of my earnings in 1 day.. a nice $200 made absolutely FREE

    Feel free to visit my website at

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