
HELP!! What do I need to do to start homeschooling my child!?

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My child just turned 5 and I was teaching her already at home. But I want to make it official. She would be a kindergartner. But how do i start? what should i do to make sure im on the right track? I live in NM.




  1. You probably need to start by buying math and reading books and workbooks from a catalog. If you need any help try asking a teacher.

  2. you should go to a school and look what all the teachers have and buy stuff just like they have .

  3. You need to notify the state superintendent (not your school district) that you are homeschooling her, as she turned 5 prior to Sept. 1 (5 is within the compulsory age in NM).

    Then, honestly, you just do what you've been doing.  Read with her, do math games, learn math through cooking, go on nature walks and learn about the trees and animals in your area, play games, etc.  Kindergarten really doesn't have to be all that does when you've got 30 kids in the class, but when you've got one, it's really pretty easy.  :)

    She most likely won't need a formal curriculum until she's about 7.  Until then, just do what you've been doing!  With a young child, the basic subjects are covered through everyday life.  When she gets a bit older, you can implement more of a curriculum-based style of learning.

    Hope that helps!

  4. If you're child is that old and you still don't know what to do, it sounds to me like you are not cut out for it. You absolutely must be a self-motivator. If you can't research sources on your own, how will you teach your child how to do it? Teaching Kindergarten is MUCH harder than most people realize. Send your kid to a public school.

  5. Youhave to first go to your school district superintendants office and sign a form saying you are homeschooloing your child. Its just routine and it will ask what you are going to be teaching them. So know ahead of time what subjects. Then just pick a home school academy online or ask around and get ideas. Abeka is popular. Then you can orde their cuuiculum online. Most of them know which subjects you need for what grade. You can also choose whether to have them garde your child's tests and keep track of their transcripts or you can do that yourself. I did everything myself and it save dme alot of money. I also ordered my childs books and supplies from

  6. Here you go-all the up to date laws in an easy to understand format!

    Best of Luck to you

    Warm Regards,




  7. The laws and requirements can vary from state to state - so that it a good place to start.

    Just remember homeschooling is not one set formula.  How you go about it can be quite different depending on your attitude about education and the unique needs of your family.

    A co-op is a great place to start to get info and some guidance and support.

    As far as being on track - again that depends on how you define being on track.  Most if not all states will offer standardized testing if you ask and many will provide counselors to help make sure you are meeting a minimum standard.

    You can even try joining some online groups.

    Some people simply try to reproduce the classroom in their own home while others take the oppurtunity to reject anything that is remotely conventional.  

    In the end you can define your homeschooling experience.  There are so many different approaches out there already, but you can also come up with your own again taking into consideration your abilities, needs, family etc.

    I totally disagree with the answer that suggested if your child is already 5 and you have not thought about it is too late.  The learning experiences of a 5 year old take place every time they button a shirt, use a utensil, form a sentence, create a fantasy during play etc, etc.  

    Just remember no one is as anxious for your child to succeed as you.  I am sure not everyone is cut out for homeschooling and not every child may thrive in the homeschool setting their parent is capable of providing.  Just be flexible and receptive to what you and your child needs.

  8. In the majority of states, if not all, 5 years old isn't even the compulsory attendance age.  Typically it's around age 7.  So even if your state has HS'ing regulations, they wouldn't apply to her yet.

    As for going to your school district (superintendant), not *all* states have this requirement - only very few.  Again, she's not the compulsory age yet.  You can pretty much do what you want at this age.

    Here are the laws for NM, with links to forms:

    I would first find out your DD's learning style.  It shouldn't be that hard to do since you've already been working with her.  Also, figure out your teaching style, too.  You don't want a mismatch of either.

    After knowing her learning style, and your teaching style, then start a HS method and/or curriculum search based on those styles.  Attend a HS'ing convention to learn from speaker sessions, and to browse the vendor hall.  Read all the HS'ing books at your library, and see if there are HS'ing materials in circulation.  Christian bookstores are also a great place to see curricula.

    Once you decide on a curriculum (or several, as in the eclectic method), then give your daughter the placement tests to see where she should start (don't assume it's all at Kdg level).  Make sure you know the company's return policy before ordering in case something isn't a good fit.

    You can also purchased used curriculum to make it less expensive.  Try local HS swap groups, Ebay, or these sites: (free classifieds)

    http://www.paperbackswap (not just PB's - I get a TON of HS'ing material there)

    If you want to make sure you're teaching "on the right track", then make out a plan based on the state's standards, or something like the Core Knowledge sequence.

    NM curriculum standards:

    Core Knowledge Foundation:

    Has the "What Your X Grader Needs to Know" series

    World Book sequence:

    HTH!  Enjoy the journey!

  9. You only need to actually contact the board of education in your area and speak with who's in charge in getting who you need in getting started. They have the people who is trained in helping mom's and others in home schooling. You will also be able to find out if you might need a certificate for such also. Some states recommend such. Good luck and God Bless You! Don't let negative reactions get the best of you, you don't need to stoop at anyone's levels but your own. Stay positive it will work out.

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