
HELP! What is a good argument? (easy points!)?

by  |  earlier

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i am a procrastinator and i have a short paper due in two days. i just need a political/any position on an argument. Please, have it be easy to explain. THANK-YOU so much! please don't get mad, we all have our crisis that we need help with!




  1. Geeze there is so much! The pros and cons of staying in Iraq.  Pro life/pro choice argument.  Pros and cons of affirmative action for minorities. Should the delegates from Florida and Michigan be counted? Is the electoral college an outdated system?  Is it fair?

  2. Two days is PLENTY of time to write a paper - trust me. I've written five page papers the day they were due.

    Here are some easy topics to research and take a position on:

    * budget cuts to music, arts, and athletics

    * the legal drinking age

    * prayer in public schools

    * legalization of g*y marriage

    * euthanasia

    * the electoral college (it's election season!)

    * recycling

    Sorry I imagine you're in high school and I couldn't think of many topics you would necessarily be interested in. Think of something that matters to you and explain your position while making your argument. You don't have to use the word "I" in a paper to infuse your uncensored opinion. :)

    The link listed below is basically a site of controversial topics with links to organizations on different sides of each topic. It would be a good place to find a topic and maybe a starting point for researching it as well.

  3. u can argue about idk look something up on the internet and put it in ur own words

  4. Legalize Weed cause it dosent kill people

  5. completely blow up the middle east and us it as the U.S.'s sandbox! and gas station!

  6. current controversial topics could range from abortion to g*y marriage

  7. drunk driving penalties should be harsher

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