
HELP!!! What should I do about stupid relatives?

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My brother's reception is coming up in october, I am not on speaking terms with my aunt and uncle, they are obviously going to be there, theres absolutely NO WAY i am going to talk to be on good terms with them again, so WHAT SHOULD I DO!?!?!?!?




  1. I would go so far as to attend the wedding ceremony itself, but then not attend any banquet or dance afterwards.  Another suggestion is to just keep busy with your other relatives and friends and avoid your aunt and uncle altogether.

    They should no enough not to start something at a family gathering.  You might also have your mom or dad speak to them beforehand about behaving themselves. It's your brother's day and his bride's day, not yours or your aunt and uncles' day.  So you all have to be on your best behavior.

  2. Try to avoid them.

  3. LOL, your mean just go with it...KISS ***

  4. Go for your brother not your aunt and uncle. you don't have to speak to them if it makes you that uncomfortable.

  5. ignore them and just try and talk with anyone else

  6. Communicate from a distance, don't cause any friction on his special day. Your beef is with them not him.

  7. Your apprehension is understandable - however If that day is supposed to be about your brother, then whatever the issue is with your aunt & uncle should not in anyway be allowed to overshadow something as special as your brother's reception. If you do not feel like it is something that can be set aside for one day, then you may want to speak to your bro about it...anyways - whatever you decide, good luck!! and keep me posted! lol

  8. teach them ABC

  9. For the sake of your brother be very very civil. It would be in your best interests to allow whatever good things happen to happen. Be a little positive about the whole thing.

  10. Be the bigger person acknowledge them but be shrewd. It will certainly reflect a more mature you and show your strength as a person.  Who knows maybe you can tie those loose ends.

  11. Be polite

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