
HELP!!!! What should i do about potty training?

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My son is 2 1/2 and the lil kid still dont use the toilet.. i mean he knows what he gotta do and he has done number 1 and 2 in the toilet but he doesnt seem to want to do it as a routine... WHAT SHOULD I DO!??!?!??!? Its drving nuts! buying diapers every week! HELP!!!




  1. I had to help potty train my cousins and I used a trick that my mother used on me and my siblings and what my grandmother used on her children. put a mirror in front of the toilet. i know it sounds weird but it will give him something to look at when he's going potty and when he's on it say things like "see you look like a big boy" or something along those lines. this trick has worked not only for me and my siblings but all 9 of my cousins.

  2. Stop buying diapers!  We took the diapers away from my daughter and told her she had to use the toilet.  It worked.

  3. Switch to cloth diapers, tell your son that's all the store sells now for his size (he won't know the difference). Anyway, he will feel instantly wet in the cloth diapers, and he won't want to be in them for very long. Unlike disposable diapers they are not meant to keep baby dry, so he'll have to stop playing once he's wet :-)

  4. Every child is different. For my oldest all it took was telling him it made me happy when he used the potty. For my youngest it was reverse psychology. I would tell him not to go on my potty, he would make a b-line for it giggling all the way. Either we took them out of diapers and put them in big boy underwear that they picked out. It meant a little more laundry but the learned they did not like to be wet.

  5. All children are different.  Maybe he's not ready yet.  He may even being showing signs of readiness, but not be fully on board with the whole thing.  The most important advice I can give is to not push him.  We tried on three different occasions (3 to 6 months apart each) before our son was really ready.  He finally succeeded shortly after his third birthday.  After one weekend with a video called "Potty Power" we were diaper free, even at night.

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