
HELP! What should i take for a good womans self defense class?

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where i can actually learn street fighting, if a guy tries to hurt me. not how to learn cool karate moves. PLEASE HELP and no tae-kwon-do stuff either. my friend took that her whole life and if someone one was to really rape her, she's DIE!




  1. Street fighting is usually learned from experience and is fought with the body more than the brain.  So if you want to learn street fighting, go out there and do it.  But if you want to be able to defend yourself without worrying about just anybody being a better fighter than you are, take a martial art.  Try Judo or Jujitsu or something.

  2. Many stables offer woman's self defence. They combine MMA instructors to give seminars specifically tailored for woman's self defence. Find one of those.


  3. Bushi kai martial arts is like zen do kai. It's fitness and self defence. I do it and have been for 7 years. I am a black belt. It's really good. It depends where you live and if there is a club nearby.

  4. Do you know that Tae Kwon Do would do her know good or are you just jumping on the bandwagon?

    As for your Self Defense take a woman's self defense coarse then ask the teacher which Martial Art might be best for you, as the people on here and I  have no idea what you are like, your fitness and mental toughness for example.

  5. Wing Chun kung Fu or Krav Maga(Israeli Martial Art)

    source :Me..... studied both

  6. Well, there's definitely a difference between martial arts and self defense (not that you cannot defend yourself as a martial artist). We won't get into the martial arts aspect cause that's not what you want.

    There are good self defense classes out there. I've seen actual schools advertise them, women's groups (they bring in specialists), community centers, the police ,etc. Check around in your neighborhood.

    Alot of what they will teach you  is about how to avoid situations. Using common sense and being aware of your surroundings ,etc. Look people in the eye. Follow your gut if you have a bad feeling. Don't go out in a dark parking lot alone with 5 packages in your arms , fumbling for your keys, and trying check your messages while your car is at the far end of the lot. ETc. All of the good defense classes will teach you very good ways of avoiding and some very basic first strikes so that you can run away if it comes to that.

    Hope that helps.

  7. She's DIE? Try Krav Maga. It's basically street fighting. Just a little more effective. Ninjutsu's better though. ;-)

  8. dont go out and hate a one martial art just because your friend isnt very good at might want to try it, some people are good at taekwondo and some people are not, its that simple for taekwondo.

    you will have to look around for what fits you best, you might suck at one and be really good at another. you dont chose the style, the style will choose you, and youll know when youve found a good one

    it also depends on wether you want the commitment into a full 3 year course or you just want a one day anti rape class.

    look around your town, the best way. any school should do a free trial week or class

  9. judo is made for selfdefense

    there is no kicking it's more throwing people over your

    shoulder arm bars it's like if someone but a gun to your back you could throw them over your shoulder and put them in an armbar till they let go of the gun orsword or whatever he has

  10. try the hikuta martial arts, taijiquan

    but, even ur good in self defense if u have a big man opponent it is useless like what u said about ur friend, tae kwon do is also a good sports and good for self defense; i know that cause i belong in taekwondo,

    if u know a martial art and someone wants to harass u you should do this first after doing something; do the T,F,Y,R,T

    THINK- think of  what the person can do to you, if you think you can beat him/her then

    FIGHT- fight him/her but if you think u cant then

    YELL- yell to call for help, if no one can hear u then or no one helps u then time to

    RUN- run to the nearest possible area that u can seek for help then

    TELL- tell what happens

  11. Krav Maga  Look it up, it is street fighting. Find a place near you. It really helps.

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