
HELP! Whats Happening To ME??

by  |  earlier

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I've had shaking hands, swollen feet. toes,legs, fingers and hands (which is weird because i have extremely good blood pressure), and my toes have been numb all day. in fact 2 of my toe nails turned blue and are painfully numb. I also have a fine rash all over my body. I went to urgent care today but all they did was a blood test (i have not gotten the results back yet)

Any idea what could possible be wrong with me?




  1. You have a major circulation problem. You need to get to a hospital and have it checked out. Your toenails are turning blue, come on, that should set off a few alarms.

    I'm not a doctor so this is just a guess, but I'd say clogged artery. Which is bad news. Which means, go to a doctor, ASAP.

  2. Are you still at the hospital?  Has it not improved?

    Get a second opinion and if you are in pain or worried just go back to the hospital - it can't hurt.

    I'm sorry you're going through this.  God Bless.

  3. probably something

  4. They should have the blood tests results the next day. Give them a call. You surely are allergic to something. Have you ate anything different or been around weeds or tall grasses? Why don't you until you find out, take a Zyrtec for allergies, won't or shouldn't hurt you and it won't make you sleepy. Elevate your legs for the swelling. Definitely something in your blood causing this to happen to you. I wish for you the very best young lady, and hope all clears up for you and you can find out what caused this. Good luck.  

  5. omg! you have a clogged vessel somewre near your legswell not a fully clogged one  

  6. omg I dont know!!!! :(. I hope you get better! sorry to hear :/

  7. I'd be heading straight to the hospital if your that worried... gosh hope you get better hun.

  8. That could be a case of Deep venous thrombosis (DVT), it refers to a blood clot embedded in one of the major deep veins of the lower legs, thighs, or pelvis. A clot blocks blood circulation through these veins, which carry blood from the lower body back to the heart. The blockage can cause pain, swelling, or warmth in the affected leg.

    Blood clots in the veins can cause inflammation (irritation) called thrombophlebitis. Severe complications of DVT occur when a clot breaks loose (or embolizes) and travels through the bloodstream, causing blockage of blood vessels (pulmonary arteries) in the lung. Called pulmonary embolism, this can lead to severe difficulty in breathing and even death, depending on the degree of blockage.

    In the United States, about 2 million people per year develop DVT. Most of them are aged 40 years or older. Up to 600,000 are hospitalized each year for the condition.

    DVT can lead to a more serious complication, blood clots in the lung (pulmonary embolism). Statistics reveal that at least 650,000 patients die each year from pulmonary embolism, making it the third most common cause of death in the United States.

    Symptoms include:

        * Swelling

        * Gradual onset of pain

        * Redness

        * Warmth to the touch

        * Worsening leg pain when bending the foot

        * Leg cramps, especially at night

        * Bluish or whitish discoloration of skin

    hoping for your good health.

  9. Sounds like a really bad allergic reaction to something.

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