
HELP! When my 99 civic gets low on gas (under quarter of a tank) it is slower to turn over (start) why??

by  |  earlier

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everytime i notice when i get to about a quarter of a tank or lower when i go to start the car it takes longer to turn over.. ultimately it still starts but it scares me because it makes me think theres something really wrong with my car!

what is this usually a sign of? fuel punp? fuel filter? i know it couldnt be something electrical because it would always do this regardlesss of how much gas is in it..

if i buy that fuel injector cleaner that is at autozone or wal mart would that solve the problem do you think?

Please ofer some good advice i love my car and i dont want to end up stranded somewhere




  1. The electric fuel pump in the tank has to have a fixed amount of gas around the pick up tube to start in a normal cycle.  If the fuel in the pick up tube drops below this level, it takes a longer period to start. In your case the simple remedy is to  keep the fuel gauge above the quarter mark.

  2. Mine did the same thing and had been doing it for a long time. I also have a civic like yours. I just don't let it get under 1/8 of a tank and the problem went away.  

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