
HELP! Whenever I put my contact lenses in, my eyes start hurting, but when I take them out I feel fine?

by  |  earlier

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This has been going on for about 2 days. What happened? I had no problem with them before. What do I do, and how can I make my eyes stop hurting when I put my contacts in?




  1. Are they new? If not then throw them away and start a new pair.

  2. i agree with SP.  try a new pair.  if that doesnt fix it, go to the optometrist

  3. First of all, anytime your eyes hurt with contact lenses, you should take them out and go see your doctor! There are some fairly serious problems that can cause pain.

    If you're lucky, it's something that's not a big dea like:

    ~ your lenses are old and have stuff (debris, make-up, tear film build-up) on them and your eyes don't like that. Answer - try a new pair of lenses.

    ~ you changed something you use around your eyes and that's interacting with the contact lenses (make-up remover, face wash, etc). Answer - change back to your old stuff.

    ~ you either changed or are developing a reaction to your contact lens solution. Answer - if you changed solutions, change back. If you're using the same solution, go see your doc. If you don't use fresh solution every night (in other words, you just use whatever solution is in your case from the previous day(s)) then you may have developed an eye infection. By reusing solution, you save money but you don't do your eyes any good because used up solution doesn't disinfect your contact lenses.

    Good luck - I hope it's not a serious problem!

  4. Double check your contacts to make sure they are not inside out.  If they are fine, then there may be a small tear or rip.  You may need to try a new pair.

    If this problem doesn't resolve, please call your eye doctor.

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