
HELP!!?? Why do i feel so lazy at soccer now??

by  |  earlier

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I used to be a really hardworker all the time but now its like i dread having to sprint or do any hard work. i dont know whats wrong with me but its super annoying i want to work hard but its like my body doesnt or something im not out of shape because ive been playing soccer every day for the past like 3 weeks please what can i do to fix this i have odp tryouts coming up!!




  1. hey interestin ......... gal ....... ok i m a professional soccer frm ma  club but jus for passin ma time....but i tell u ur body need rest baby..... and u have ta eat well , drink milk 'veryday and also before starting a game u 've ta warmup ur body......... and get energetic .... tryta make  ur body flexible........... i wanna play.......... its being long time playin soccer man.........!!!

  2. maybe you aren't eating healthy enough! idk. i am on two different cheering squads and i'm really sore and tired but today i ate an apple and i feel better. try to stretch everyday!! it could help you, maybe run a mile down the road. just do your best and you'll be fine.

  3. ummm, just throwing this out there, i dont know how old you are but u might be pregnant

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