
HELP acting cover letter, is this OKAY?

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Growing up I’ve had big dreams, acting and performing have always been a passion of mine. You receive the greatest feeling when you perform, when you are in the spotlight the moment is yours to share yourself with people. It is a truly rewarding feeling that is indescribable. As Walt Disney once said:

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”.

However all dreams must be realistic to some point, which is why my once big dreams have now become goals I am dedicated to reach. These are goals in which I have been taken stepping stones to pursue, one step at a time. After progressing with acting classes, student films, and with stage, musicals and dance.

I am now ready to take the bigger step in pursuing my goals optimistically with your agency.

I would to love to have a meeting with you and discuss our possibly joined future relations. I enclosed my headshots and resume, I look forward to your feedback.

Thank you for your time.




  1. I would drop the top part about having dreams ever since you were a child.  You obviously have the dream, otherwise you wouldn't be coming to them.  I would start out with your Walt Disney quote, and make it a more direct transition to the fact that you're ready to work to make it happen.  I might add some kind of note after the lists of steps you've taken, your acting classes and stuff, reference your resume.  Something along the lines of (and I'm correcting a grammatical thing here too, "Some of the steps that I have taken to reach these goals include: taking acting classes, participating in student films and dance shows, as well as portraying roles in staged shows and musicals.  For a complete list of these classes and performances, I have included my resume, as well as a head shot."

    One of the things I have also read about cover letters is that it is smart to ask for your interview or meeting right off the bat.  Say straight away that you want to meet them.  You could included that right after the disney quote if you wanted.  Maybe something like: "..which is why my once big dreams have now become goals I am dedicated to reach.  For this reason, I would love to have a meeting with you to discuss future representation possibilities" or whatever is appropriate to what you're doing.  From this letter I'm assuming you're meeting an agent.  I think you've got everything you need, just re-ordering it and revamping a little language will make it even more professional.  Hope everything works out!

  2. That letter sounds really good to me. It is also the same way with me dreams then goals then day to day life. I am sure whoever reads it would think that you would be a very talented young actress.

  3. that sounds really good.

    but for more info on that  go to and click where it says in blue headshot and resume info

    it will give you ebverything and if im correct it shoulld talk about cover letter

  4. No.  You need to trim it down and make it sound more professional.  They get a lot of letters, and this is just too much verbiage.  

    Just say that you are asking to be considered for representation, make a *very* brief mention of your experience (they can see it all on the resume).  

    The quote is nice; I might put it down at the bottom of the letter after your signature.

  5. yes

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