
HELP!!! blue j down!!! i repeat BLUE J DOWN!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my brother found a Blue-j WINGz broken

dad and mom don't care about the thing

i said let's take him to the vet....

they said why pay money for some bird u found >_<

then me and my brother thot we can help him get better

WHAT should we do!!!

i want to help the poor thing be causer i know Blue Jay/J population is going down :(




  1. It is illegal for you to have this animal in your care.

    A licensed rehabilitator can help, one way or the other.

    Call one - and vets know nothing about birds.

  2. Are you sure the wings are do know that baby birds leave the nest BEFORE they can fly.  If they are obviously misshapen and you are sure they are broken the bird needs to go to a wildlife will cost you nothing:

    If the bird is a fledgling (a baby bird that has left the nest on it&#039;s own), and is fully feathered and does NOT have any injuries..let it be, the parents are caring for it.  Keep in mind if you are close to the baby bird, the parents will not care for it with you standing would be considered a predator.  If uninjured..let nature take it&#039;s course and let the parents raise their baby.

  3. Gently put his wing back into place.  Then use sports tape to tape the wing in place, gently wrapping it around his body.  Keep him in a warm, smallish box/cage, not big enough so that he could fly (you don&#039;t want that).  Provide lots of fresh water and some bird seed, like sunflower seeds, millet and safflower seeds.   For treats, you can use some bread crusts or crackers, but those are only treats.  In about a week, check his wing to see if he can hold it better.  Use work gloves so he doesn&#039;t bite you.   Handle him firmly but gently.  If he is better, see if he can fly inside your garage or bedroom.  If not, then tape him back up again and check in another week.  Keep his cage/box clean, changing out the newspapers frequently/every other day.  Meanwhile, call/ask around for someone to take a wild bird.  Start with your local vet as they should know where a Wildlife Rescue would be.  Some vets will take them anyways, and they don&#039;t usually charge if it is wildlife.  

    I&#039;ve helped rescue swans, turkey vultures, sparrows, along with raising my own chickens and turkeys, pigeons, parakeets, and a few other species.  You can do this!

  4. dont worry u wont have to pay if you tell them u found it. just pick him up and wrap him up in a towel and take him to a local vet.

  5. Call your humane society, they might be able to take it for free.


  6. Look in the phone book and find your local &quot;wildlife rehabilitation&quot; service.  They should be able to help you.

    Good luck............

  7. Here in California we call the &quot;Wildlife Rescue&quot; number.  There might be an organization with a similar name in your area.  Look in the white pages or call 411.

  8. You need to find a wildlife rehabber to take the bird.  In the meantime keep it warm and in a dark place to lesson the stress on the bird.  If you need to stabalize the wing follow the link I left for fractures, it shows you what to do.  

    If it is an old bird you can offer it water in a small, shallow dish, never use a syring and never out water in a birds mouth.  You can offer it crumbled dry dog food or cat food as an emergency food......

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