
HELP!! can hear whispering in my ear just before I fall asleep?

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Can anybody PLEASE help me ? Sometimes just as I'm about to fall asleep or am asleep I am woken by whispering in my ear. This doesn't happen all the time but is getting very annoying to the point when I'm half asleep/half awake I'm asking myself is this real or am I imagining it all. Have also experienced my body moving very fast and feel vibration (sadly don't own a vibrator so can't be that ) but no parts move and again only happens just before I fall asleep. I never understand the whispers as not clear and can be more than one voice.




  1. Guest59327

     can be problem with ur ears try hearing aids

  2. Ok everyone talking about ` good ' spirits are coming to tell you something and yadda yadda yadda is ALL FALSE! It may well be that you are actually suffering some kind of medical problem, or there may be some form of exterior problem ie in your surrounding environment which could be causing the sounds. BUT..

    Because you have said that these are `Whispering' sounds, it makes it a whole differnt ballgame.

    my friend it may seem hard to believe and it may seem a bit contraditictory since I shunned spirits earlier but I firmly believe that your problem lies with other worldly beings...jus here me no wierdo who believes in tin foil spaceships and ufo's!!!

    What i am reffering to is JINNS. Their actually kind of beings u could say ok...bit like humans and are capable of good and evil..there not like us physically tho and this is why you cant see them..they are not made of solid matter like us but are translucent kind of! I KNOW im sounding realllly weird now but please 4 ur own sake listen to me! Yes the concept has been around for thousands of years and I think this link will give you an insight into what your going through.

    Ok so leeme give u the may seem like another twist on thespirit thoery but trust me this is really on a whole other differnt level. Jinn are more commonly known to appear in in islamic folklore and beliefs but many non muslims also accept their existance. I have to ask and please dont take any offence, but are you religious at all? Do you have any pictures of living things or objects around like scultptures, portraights, teddies?? Youll need to remove them..yeh it may seem crazy but believe me it works.if you are reliogois let me know it can help but if not it doesnt matter coz u can still get help without really HAVING to convert or anything..its just another form of alternative treatment lets say.

    All cultures and peoples, without exception, have beliefs and experiences of the existence of extraterrestrial beings be they called "ghosts, spirits, aliens, demons, etc." In the Arabic culture, these extraterrestrial beings have been given the name "Jinn" and are believed to be invisible creatures that possess superhuman powers and even the ability to possess human beings. In islam they believe that they WHISPER into our ears inorder to sway us from good, annoy and frustrate us, or lose our faith. They Particularly appear at night time as this is when feel most in power. They can overcome you and have the ability to move you and even control you. ALL YOUR SYMPTOMS HAVE BEEN DESCRIBED SO FAR....AND MENTIONED IN ISLAM

    What i advise is just try some things, what hav u got to lose just try them and just see the vast improvemnets they will make to your overall health, safety and well being

    ok now


    1) remove all figures, pics or photos of people or animals, including dolls, teddies, sculptures from ur room at leat --if u can then plaes remove completely 4rm ur house -WHY this acts as a point of accsess for them.

    2) Keep your room and yourself clean-again im sure you are and im not trying to be offensive in any way shape or form BUT they are attrated to filth and uncleanliness.

    3) The next step would be alot easier and simpler with consult a muslim scholar, sufi or mosque teacher, explain ur situation and they will do everything to help----I promise!!! DONT WORRY U WNT BE BOUND BY ANYTHING< FORCED TO CONVERT ! or anything else beacause as muslims they will be more than happy to help u coz really its part of their religion you can only try it and find me it is all totally fine. U could even consult a muslim u know and they Will help.. ask about TAAVEEZ and were you can purchase it. You can wear it around ur neck for protection..agen jus try it ...its basicly a minture version of the muslim holy book in a necklace--so keep safe please and respect! : )

    4)Ask the muslim person, teacher woteva to read some prayers around the house your room and teach u some for protection

    you can read this:

    Bismillah hirama nirahim aozbelah min alshaytan alrageem at leat 3 times (ask help with prounouciation its just a simple prayer)


    I sufferd from exactly what youre suffering from and now im fine allhumdulillah with the help of im not saying convert my friend but just try it for your sake and just see if it helps. I was so afraid i couldnt break free from it, i thought i was unwell, crazy or worse..but now after doing all this I am CURED!!

    Keep the jinns away....and youll be fine!





  3. Further to my answer stating I had removed a clock from the hollow wall where the sound was echoing through the walls and could only be heard during the quiet hours during the night.

    What you could do is remove any battery driven clocks. Place them in an outside shed or garage. Then switch off your house mains power for several hours. Retire to bed and see if you still hear the whispering sounds. If you still hear sounds you could alway's shoot your neighbours cat!!!!





  4. Hi, I just thought you might find the following interesting reading.

    For many years I have suffered from what you might call "tinnitus symptoms".

    When I retired to bed each night I could hear a sort of faint whispering echo in both ears. This only happed when the house was quiet during the hours of darkness.

    Any time I awoke through the night I could still hear the sound of faint whispering echo sound.

    I mentioned it to several people including doctors, all said I probably had tinnitus.

    However last week I removed a panel from the bedroom wall (Note my home is fibro) The wall between the bedroom and the dining room is hollow. On the dividing wall of the dining room and my bedroom for many years has had a electric wall clock.

    With the panel off the bedroom wall and the silence in the house during the night. I could clearly hear the sound of the humming, ticking sound of the clock. The hollow walls were acting like a sound speaker and dissipating the sound in the wall cavity around the bedroom.

    So I have removed the clock and so the problem of the faint whispering echo sound is now resolved.

    I was just wondering, how many people around the world who live in old fibro homes may have the same problem or scenario. Some bedrooms have a power board affixed to the outside wall, this could also echo through the house during the night when all is quiet you may be able to hear humming sounds.

    So check out your home environment, you may be able to resolve your problem.

    Best regards



  5. When I was a child I thought everyone heard "the whispers" as you drifted off to sleep.  I found them very comforting and re-assuring, it was only as I got older and heard them less and less that I mentioned them to my friends and family, they of course thought I was making things up so I never spoke of them again.  I really don't know what they are but I think as you mature you become less responsive to certain things. I very occasionally hear them now - I love drifting off to sleep hearing the whispering voices, I can not make out what they are saying but they make me feel safe and happy.  I count myself as very lucky that I can still hear them now and again. :)

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