
HELP!! dirty laundry?? i'm freaking out!?

by  |  earlier

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okay, this is prob a little disgusting. but i havent been able to do my laundry for quiete sometime && today i washed a big load.. as i was putting them in the washer.. i saw 2 tiny little worm like parasite things fall out!! they were really tiny... & slimy. SOMEONE HELP. should i just throw all those clothes away.?? they are currently washing. what could this be from????????

are these a tape worm thing from my body?? is my room invested with them?! my hamper doesnt have any in there. i think ive seen them b4 when ive gone longgggggg timmeee w/o doing laundry but ignored it. this time I KNOW it was a live thing. =( i feel disgusting, but i need everyones the way this thing was like a brown color.....

someone tell me it's not a deadly reaccuring thing=/ and that its just from dirty underwear and laundry sitting for long.......PLEASE. im freaking out..




  1. may be if u avn't done ur washing in a while a fly could av got in there and laid it's eggs  
    when they hatch they look like tiny weired worms .I put a clean top in my drawer once straight from the washing line and when i went to get it out to wear it was covered in these things i aslo wandered wat they were but as since looked them up on the internet.

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