
HELP does any one know how???

by  |  earlier

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in the past I’ve written beautiful piano songs, my mom loves them and I’m pretty amazed how easy it is for me to write songs like that!

Any ways my question is, I want to know if there’s a way for me to sell some of my songs.

Please help if you have any idea! And please no insults or saying "google it"!

thank you!

p.s. i'm 13




  1. find a way to record the songs into a cd

    then print those type of pics u can find for the cover, and

    then sell 'em!! good luck

  2. Wow!!.. i would love to here some of those!.. so here what you should do it...There's alot of ways so here are some easy ways(all the instructions are right on the site!) ->


    b) Put it on CDs and sell it out doors, like start with you're friends then at school then to the shopping mall then go to a music store and ask them if they could play you're music and then ask them if they could sell it!...

    For me, well those are the easy ways the hard way is

    a) get an agent

    b) play it on a radio station

    c) do free shows

    d)then record it on real CDs like artist do

    e) Sell, Sell, Sell...

    Hope it helps a little!

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