
HELP!...everything volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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ive been playing for almost 2 years and im teaching my friend who's a beginner how to play vball. We have try-outs in a couple weeks. I think she could make it but i need some tips on helping her out.

im trying to teach her what i know and the things we do but can you guys....

describe to me how to...dump, set serve, spike and pretty much everything else she needs to know. And how can i teach it to her?

I know how to play but its not soo easy coaching lol




  1. Setting:  Have kneel on one knee and you throw the ball to her and she sets it back. Another thing you can do with a partner is to sit on your bottom with your knees bent. Have the partner throw the ball high to the other person and the other person will set it, once the person sets it, lean back (like a sit up). After a 10-20 sets, have the partner who throws the ball should go farther so it'll build muscle strength for the other person. She can also squeeze a tennis ball or a stress ball to strengthen your fingers. Make sure her sets don't spin either. To show her the proper form of a set, tell her to: 1. make a triangle with her index fingers and thumbs; 2. spread the fingers apart and seperate the index fingers and thumbs apart from each hand; 3. imagine the ball in the hands and look through the "window" your hands make.

    Bumping: With a partner, kneel on one knee and have your partner drop the ball and bump it back. Make sure her shoulders are up, she doesn't swing her arms, & she has a flat arm surface . You can also set a target and throw the ball to all these different places and have her run to the ball and make sure she gets it to the target.

    Hitting/spiking: Practice wrist snaps. It's kind of like dribbling a ball, but when it bounces back up, snap your wrist at the ball. You can also practice your spiking approaches.

    Blocking: Jump rope with ankle weights is good if you want to jump higher. She can also go to a wall..stand a few inches away from it and start jumping making your fingertips touch the wall.

    Serving: Practice your form...I really don't know how to explain how to serve because a lot of people serve differently and feel comfortable with a different form.

    She can also do some sprints too. Start by laying down on your stomach, and then get up and start sprinting. I guess this is supposed to help with your explosiveness and reaction to a ball.

    See if you can find another friend to help so you can do these with her to help motivate her. I don't know if it's much help. My team usually does this during practices.

  2. have her practice setting it is the most important

  3. well im on jv for my school and the drills we do are very simple.


    toss the ball to her and show her the stance and the postition she should be in. toss her the ball and let her pass it to her. make her do about 20. or whatever number thqat you need to do. you can down ball it to her(spike) and have her pass it back up to you. that will also be heloful when shes on serve recieve.


    have her set the ball to herself in the air about 20 times...she hs to go non stop. she can set it on a wall and have her going for about a minute. if it drops then she has to start over.

    same as passign you can toss it to her in the air and have her set it back to you. make her 20..until she gets it bad set and the nyou start over.


    make sure she keeps her hand strong and stiff. it cant be floppy. then if she is right handed toss in the air with the left. if she s left toss with the right. when she tosses and gets the serving down to where she can get it ovre the net then teach her the roll. its very simple. have her snap her wrist when she serves.


    teach her the approach..left right left...or right left right. teach her how to hit the ball when its in the air. when she is able to hit it and gets the timing right (she should start the approach when the ball leaves you hands) then teach her to snap her wrist. it will improve so much for tryouts,

    well i hope you and her the best of luck!

  4. Concentrate on the basics.  Just work on her form by peppering with her.  Everything else will transfer over from that.  Try setting up a basket or hoop for her to pass and set into to work on aim.

  5. In just a short time it would be very hard to teach all of this.  I would say to concentrate on passing.  If she can pass, she will play!

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