
HELP fast! Bird with broken wing?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, well My friends, my sisters, and I found a bird with a broken wing. Well actually it was in a bush and my neighbors cat was chased it out. At first we thought it was a rat. Anyways we got it and my friend took it and put it with her other birds in a cage. What can we do to heel its wing. Would it eat the bird food?

It's a wild bird. I don't know what kind but we have a lot of them in our neighborhood.




  1. it NEEDS to see a vet and get to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.

    without vet care and propper setting the wing could heal wrong and the bird would never be able to fly again

    keeping native birds/wildife is also ILLEGAL.

  2. Check in your area for a experienced bird vet and take the bird to the vet, we have a bird vet that takes wild birds and cares for them and then will release them into the wild when ready, otherwise he keeps them of finds homes for them. If the wing is broke it needs to be fixed before sending the bird out into the wild, and you save this birds live from the cat, hats off to you.  

  3. This has happened to me many times.

    I have had birds since I was little,

    basically, don't try to tape it, or make some sort of brace for it unless you know what you're doing.

    you can either,

    a) take it to a vet or pet rescue center


    b) keep the bird for a while until it's wing looks better, but, if you're going to do this, the bird may get stressed out in a cage because it's a wild bird, which can lead to a possible heart attack or panic attack. try to feed the bird things you would find outside, like nuts, pieces of bread, etc. but do not try to hand feed the bird, it will mistake you for trying to attack it, just put the food in a bowl or something. also, if you are going to keep it for a while, try to keep it comfortable, calm, and give him a little time and space to adjust for a while. and depending on the bird's size, it should be a cage that fits it's size, do not reach into the cage, it will freak out the bird.

    try to keep it away from other birds and give it the least physical contact to yourselves, it can pass on fleas, diseases, or attack other birds

    but what I would do is seek professional help, to do what's best for the bird

  4. You need to turn this bird over to a local wildlife rehab...they can hopefully fix his wing and get him released back into the wild.  Look here for one near you...also keep in mind it is illegal for you to try and care for this bird on your own.  Do not attempt to fix the wing yourself, you could be doing more damage.  Also, keep the bird separate from pet birds as they may pass something to one another.  Do not bring the bird to a vet as it will most likely be euthanized as vets are not licensed to treat wildlife.

  5. Take it out of your friends bird cage and separate it.

    Your friends birds will kill it even if they are smaller.

    Feed it crumbled brad, or go to the dollar store and buy it wild bird food.

    Also, your other birds may get sick if the bird has a disease.

  6. call your local wild life rescue. Most big cities have them now. Depending on what kind of bird it is it might eat seeds, or even worms. Please do not feed it dog food or cat food or even wet bread like most dumb ***'s do. You will kill it. The wing has to be special wrapped so it does no more damage to it and depending on how long ago it happened it needs to be done soon to heal properly. Good Luck and please call someone qualified to handle in your area.

  7. The wild bird should be all means be separated from your other birds. Wild birds usually have lice and may carry other diseases or bacteria your caged birds are not used to.  You can wrap the broken wing keeping it close to the bird's body (please do so very gently and do not squeeze the bird in any way) using either masking tape or Kerlux which is a type of gauze tape that is found at most pharmacies and drug stores.  Both of these will stick to themselves and not to the bird's feathers. Wrap the tape over the damaged wing and under the good wing 2 times around the birds body snug but not tight  Then place the bird in a shoe box lined with newspaper, provide clean water and yes, your bird seed you have for your other birds should be fine. Give some applesauce or melon and fresh water in bowls placed on the floor where the bird will have easy access to them. If you must keep the bird for any length of time, be sure the box has lots of holes punched in all sides and cover and place it OUTSIDE in a safe area.  Be sure there are no drafts and the bird will be warm.  Give him a soft towel in the shape of a nest so he will keep warm.  Then call a wildlife rehabilitation center or take the bird there and let them care for him while he is healing.  If the bird does not have the proper temperature, 1st Aid, food, ect. he will most likely die.  The rehab center has the knowhow and facilities to care for a wild creature that is injured and this should be the least traumatic for the bird, give him the best chance to heal and least interference so he can return to his life in the wild.  Here is a link to find a rehab center in your area:  Thank you for caring for trying to help.  Good luck

  8. Tape the wing and put it in a cage......  or eat it!!!!! ahahahaha


    bad bad bad decsions

    it will carry diesse's.

    needs a vet and will be given a cast and taken off your hands

  10. THe best thing to do would be to bring it to a trained vet or call animal control to see if they can heal it or put it to sleep.  It probably will eat bird food but its going through immense stress and physical pain so it might refuse to.  I would also removed it from the cage with the other birds, some birds will get territorial and attack other birds.  If you want you could try and pop the bone back into place then splint it, but since you have little experience it might hurt the bird more.  Again i suggest you call animal control, even if they do put it to sleep, its in the best intrest for the bird to put it out of pain.

  11. well, u could call animal control or you can get it you self .. wild birds eat worms . you might want to find some worms and feed it .  if its a baby cut the worm in half and if its an adult give it to it full. they also need water . get a bowl and put water in it if its an adult put it near it . if its  a baby feed it water .Dip your finger in the water and but your finger above the bird . the drops well fall on its mouth .          

  12. Hum will a wild bird eat wild bird food...duh...I would think so, now get it away from the other birds and get it to a vet.

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