
HELP - flushed fish?

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I had a tank with 3 cory catfish in it. When I came home from work, two of the three of them were dead, full-out, on back ... dead. The third wasn't looking too hot, and after a night, I saw she was in a similar position as the other two. Being not very brilliant, I flushed them one at a time.

Turns out the third one is not, in fact, dead. She's sitting in the narrower part of the pipe, to where I can't get to her with a net. I don't know what to do either put her out of her misery or get her out of the toilet. Please help. :(




  1. if it was already sick then just let her go because she would most likely die. when a fish dies in your tank you need to get it out as fast as possible because when a fish dies it emits a toxin that can kill the other fish.

  2. flush it

  3. Well I would personally put her out of her misery because you said she was looking sick so she would would probaly die too. So that's wha I reccomend doing. Flush the toilet let her go.

  4. Pour some water conditioner into the toilet so she won't be suffering from chlorine or chloramine poisoning while you're trying to get her out!  Then go and get a plastic covered wire clothes hanger or a piece of air hose or something and see if you can gently shoo her out of the bend and into the bowl so that you can net her out of there!  Poor little fishy!

    You should never flush sick or dead fish down the toilet anyways.   Just toss them into the trash if they're dead.

  5. Use the hose you use to cyphon your water out of your tank to get her out.  Mine is wide enough.  If yours ins't, find one that is.

    That's just sad...but I can't help but laugh.  That sounds like something that would happen to me.  I give you an A+ for having one of the most unusual problems on Answers.  Do they have a point scale for that?  LOL

    Seriously, put in water conditioner until you can get him out.

  6. flushing fish is a fate worse then death sick or not, the fish will live thru the pipes only suffocate in the oxygenated water. If you really want to put the fish out dump clove oil in the water, or pull it out and put the fish in a baggie and water and out the bag in the freezer...or place it back in the humane ways to do things here.  

  7. i agree w/ the other answer, if she was looking sick then chances are she was going to die anyway.  

  8. for one dont flush a  i think it's funny people do this,  because a fish can still be alive and when they get flushed they're gills become filled with poo particals and they sufercate.   so that's kinda a horrible way to go.   dont you think.  

    so this is how you euthinize a fish...

    you put a bowl of water in the freezer, wait until the bould gets a thin layer of ice on top of the bowl.  and then scoop off the ice and then dump the fish in the cold water.   it instantly stops there hearts without no pain.  

    only fo this when you have no other optiions.  
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