
HELP?!?! getting 6 teeth pulled- HATE needles HATE iv- PLEASE HELP!!!!?

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I'm getting 6 adult teeth pulled like at once and i hate needles so i wont let them give me shots and i really hate needles like iv's and i hate not being in control so i would NEVER Let them give me an iv. Anybody gotten teeth out either with given an iv thingy or been knocked out? or with shots?




  1. I value my dentist above all other professionals. Search till you find one who will work with you. Mine gives me gas when necessary and will arrange for various relaxing drugs. I'm not sure what they are and asked him not to tell me as they are awfully good and tempting for recreational use.

  2. yes i have. but it was a baby tooth, and it was the left canine. it was nothing really looking back at it. the needle (dont look at it) cuz it hurts your eyes to stare at it. and then he/she will take  a utensil and put a bit of pressure into you gum (not too too bad) and if it pains a bit (it wont pain as much as you think, hopefully) just go "ahhh" and im sure he/she will stop further pushing and ask is it too much?" or something like that...hope i helped and good luck =]

    remember: mine was a baby tooth, so i kinds gave you half the story =/

  3. why dont u tell the dentist if its possible for them to give you a valuum something to take the edge off be4 the progress...i hated shots but the iv thing scared me so much i started to cry so my dentist gave me a perscription for 2 valuums i took 1 after i woke up and the other bout 30minutes be4 i got to the office...dont remember much but when i came down i was smiling better even as the blood was dried on the thing around my neck

  4. My dentist used a swab to numb the gums before giving the shot. Just avoid looking at the needle or thinking about it if at all possible. The numbing solution will make it so you can hardly feel the needle. Try focusing your attention on one of the ceiling tiles or lights and making pictures of the dots. Thats what I do.

  5. i've got teeth knocked out. if i were you get the needle, i got it and i'm scared as f@#k of needles. i'd prefer to get needle to "lessen" the pain. but i still felt when they took it out, all teeth are deep inside and you can feel a little pain when they force them out. iv and other stuff is sort of dangerous. but just relax and think of something else while their doing the procedure. if i were you, close your eyes when they give you the shot and take out your tooth. oh yeah, you have to be careful what you eat. it will suck because you will feel weird after, but that will take out soon.  

  6. I always hated the dentist.. the needles, the awful drilling and scraping noises - yuk! Painful and terrifying. But that is all a thing of the past. A couple of years ago I found a dentist who uses nitrous oxide - (aka happy gas or laughing gas). You simply breathe it through a little mask that they put over your nose. It is GREAT stuff... you get (legally) "stoned" to the point that you aren't really aware of what they're doing (including the needles, you simply don't feel them AT ALL). To top it all off, I take my IPod along and completely zone out.. I close my eyes, listen to my music and float off to a happy place while my dentist goes about her work - fantastic!! Last time I had an extraction, I almost fell asleep - I kid you not!! Even better news is that the nitrous oxide doesn't have a residual effect once they remove the mask - so you can go back to work, drive etc. after your dentists appointment. Some dentists use it.. some don't. The best way to find out is to ask when you call to make an appointment. If they say they don't use it, politely decline and call another dental surgery. If you want to learn more about nitrous oxide (in order to make a decision regarding whether it is right for you), read the article at the following link:

    Best of luck with your dental visits.

  7. sometimes you just have to get the shot.  i hate them too and hate having them put the novicane needle in my mouth (which still makes me shudder from last year) but ask them if they have other solutions like laughing gas.

  8. Some dentists offer a calming drug (e.g. nitrous oxide or valium) before they give you shots - ask your dentist for them if you think that you'll freak out too much. Dentists are used to people with needle phobia, so they'll be able to recommend something to calm your nerves.

  9. take it like a man!!!!!

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