
HELP!!!! hamster has mange!!! ):?

by  |  earlier

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his fur is coming off, he is itching every second, and parents wont go to the vet for a hamster.




  1. My Guinea Pig(Elvis) had mange when we got him from the pet store. We went to the pet shop and bought some tree tea oil spray. We used it and it worked within 2 weeks. It was really good. He has never had mange since. So just buy some tree tea oil and mix it with some water and try that.Otherwise just buy it from the produce store.  

  2. take it to the vet NOW

  3. google it and take it to the vet yourself

  4. I am sorry your parents are not able to help with your hamster. If you can not convince to get the little guy treated, you can try a natural remedy. You can can get what you need for treatment for under $10 at the grocery store. You will need Peroxide and 20 Mule Team Borax

    An old fashioned remedy is borax.

    1. One part 1% peroxide

    Bottled peroxide is generally 3% so you will need to dilute with water down to 1%.

    2. 1 part water

    3. As much borax (Such as 20 Mule Power Borax available in grocery stores and Walmart) as will dissolve in the solution.

    Wash dog, so coat is wet, rinse with the solution, don't dry dog..allow solution to dry on coat.

    The theory is the peroxide helps to open the pores and hair follicles to allow the borax in and then the borax kills off the demodex mites.

    You will want to do this once a week.

    Be sure to visit the source article for more information and testimonials.

  5. taking it to the vet is a good idea but an oatmeal bath can always help my vet told me that the oatmeal helps soothe skin you can find oatmeal shampoo at almost any pet store.

  6. mange is bad theres nothin u can do and u can take him to a vet its best to or get afriend and there parents to go with u they can die of mange my dog did got into a fight with a fox got mange from it and died about a year later obviously hamsters are small so it effect them faster  GO TO A VET NO MATTER  WHAT

  7. Mange is a bacterial infection, you can help the little guy/gal by bathing it (carefully!) in a teacup of warm water and a little bit of antibacterial soap (most handsoaps are antibacterial). Rinse her in a second teacup of clean warm water, and pat her dry. This will help relieve the itching...and changing the cage bedding every day for a while will help, too. If you are using cedar chips, switch to plain pine shavings.

    Oh, and wash the cups really good, so your Mom doesn't get mad!  

  8. call the vet, and ask him what he recommends!?!


    good luck!

  9. Research mange, show your parent(s) the website, and have THEM take it to the vet for you.

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