
HELP! how do i remove a kitchen utencil from my....?

by  |  earlier

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dishwasher. its been jammed right in there while it was in motion and i cant seem to budge it.

ive already tried to jump up and down on it, but i think i made it worse!

any ideas?




  1. HAHA did any1 else think something dirty.....not me naughty you!

  2. call a repair man

  3. i thought u had like stuck it up your butt or something!! Hahaha

  4. Dont jump up and down on it.  

    Take the drawrs out if you can and see if you can get it that way.  

  5. just clear everything out and get down and try to wiggle it out eventually you should be able to get it out if you still have no luck.. i would call a repair man.

  6. Well, you just take your time and figure how it got there and it must come back out the same way. If it got bent then you must be sure and then bend it back like it was and then force it out where it went in. If you jumped up and down on it then you probably bent it which means you will have to straighten it out. If nothing works then get some wire pliers and cut it apart. But don't don't jump up and down on the dishwasher!

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