
HELP!! how much does it cost to remove black mold?

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I am pretty sure I have black mold in my studio, If I get it proffessionally removed, how much will it cost? I know it will be a chunck of money but I really want to be prepared.

There was a leak in my roof running down an intake pipe that was in my closet. I can see about 4 sq. ft. of black stuff. I have fixed the leak...but now I need it cleaned out. How much are we talking here?




  1. mix 5 parts water to one part bleach. spray or sponge it on 2-3 times a day. The mold will die a horrible and tortured death within a couple of days (yeah).  There may be mold inside the wall (if you care), and you may need a contractor to come in and remove the sheet rock from the wall. Then again you spray the mold with your home made moldicide and when your satisfied the contractor can come back and fix the wall. It is not usually necessary to have an remediator come in for such a small amount of space. You may want to bring this up with your insurance company, they may fix it for free depending on your policy.

  2. if you can't stand the smell of bleach use white vinegar, it's safer and more hygeinic, also make sure you have air circulating all the time, it helps prevent mold returning

  3. As much as a bottle of bleach, a sponge and a pair of rubber gloves.

  4. Black mold can not be "killed" you must remove everything it is on.  If bleach works then it was just mildew.

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