
HELP!! i Found a baby bird i need to find out what to feed him and should i make him a nest????

by  |  earlier

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his mother rejected him and i want him to live so should i make him a nest or some thing? also what should i feed him? we are going to call a vet but just for protection now what should i do? he has most of his fethars and just some of his baby feathers so? HELP????




  1. There are a lot of things you can do, calling a vet or wild bird center is probably the best idea.

    Here's a link for care:

    FEEDING- You can purchase mealworms for cheap at pet stores. i found that cut and squished up mealworms with a little bit of water is the best food to feed the birds. A lot of them really can't digest cat/dog food and will stop eating them. If you can, feed them through a syringe. Make sure not to drip it down their throats (they could drown), let them swallow.

    NEST- add natural leaves and stuff from near where you found the bird. use a good size cardboard box and put branches through it at different levels. This helps baby birds to learn to hop and gain enough strength and practice to fly one day. if the bird has no or little feather, a regular reading lamp with the adjustable body is a great alternative to heat lamp.

    Good Luck!

  2. call the humane society they will give you an address where the wildlife refuge can come get him or you can take it cuz you will probably end up killn it if  you keep it.  I used 2 call our refuge and drop off baby squirrels, rabbits, and birds that were hurt.  mommy feeds them worms but you can get stuff at the pet store that will be like a formula.

  3. We found a baby bird at my work & we gave him bird seeds & meal worms. We kept him in a bird cage until we gave him to a wildlife center. Good Luck:)

  4. should have just left him alone, he is probably fledging.

  5. Go to the pet store and buy some wild bird food and you could just use a small baskets with twigs and leaves.

  6. ok Ive had lots of rejected birds I know what to do.. Dont call a vet cause they get cranky about that stuff. buy raw hamburger bread and milk. put in a bowl the raw hamberger and half a quart of milk (u want it thick) and mix in bread. now blend it toghether in ur hands and make it into a ball.  then take a toothpick and put a little on it.. when it opens its mouth put it in and it should eat it. make a nest in a box or somthing with grass and cottonball and put it under a lamp (its life is at state if its not warm) when its old enough to hop then put it in a rat cage. when it grows up and its ready to fly u have to push it off of somethin high like a deck. this sounds cruel but thats what the mother does anyways. (u can also feed it bugs and stuff when its older. u can let it go then when it grows up. Ive raised 4 barn swallows that were abandoned and they all made it. When I got them they were pink and had no eyes yet so trust me and take every piece of advise.. good luck

  7. Put the bird back where you found it.   You are breaking the law, and you're not helping the bird.  You just kidnapped it from it's parents, and you don't even know how to care for it.

    The parents did not abandon or "reject" the chick.   It's a fledgling.

    Baby birds leave the nest (fledge) before they can fly.  They are supposed to be on the ground.   The parents continue to feed and care for fledglings until they can fly.

    Put the bird back where you found it - preferably under, or in the low branches of a bush or shrub.  Then leave the area so the parents can return.

    The parents left because of you.   You are a threat to them and their babies.  They didn't reject the baby - they are afraid of you.  They will not go near their babies as long as you are there.

    Put that bird back where you found it, and leave the birds alone.

    Birds have NO SENSE OF SMELL.  They can't smell humans, and will not reject a chick that has been touched.

  8. NEVER feed hamburger or worms...... Go to for all you need to know......

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