

by  |  earlier

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i was dropping my friend off and as i went to leave his house i accidentally backed into one of the neighbors cars parked behind me. theres a pretty decent smash in the car. should i have my friend write my phone number on a piece of paper and put it on their car or what? my friend doesnt know them cause they just moved in. & i dont want them to go to the cops right away HELP




  1. Ask yourself what you would want another person

    to do if they accidentally smashed your car up.

    Then do that.

  2. HIT N RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  3. That happened to me one time. I went home really fast (it was right down the road) because I didn't have shoes on at the time and when I came back the police were there waiting.  A hit and run is serious. I still went back right away even though I didn't think anyone saw me because it was dark but someone outside did see me and got my license plate number. Their car didn't even have any damage but mine did, I still could've went to jail for leaving briefly.  If you don't do the right thing you will get caught.  Esp. if you smashed their car that's not right they shouldn't have to pay for your mistake.

  4. Yes, leave your name and phone number in a note on their car. Do as you would want them to do if they had hit your car.

  5. Sure but you should have left the note in the first place. Now it will look like hit and run. Unless your friend has the gift of gab and is able to convince them differently.

  6. If someone saw, they may report you. If you are willing to take that chance, then dont worry about it, just dont take your car to your friends place until your car is fixed.

    I would probably tell them if I were you, yes tell your friend to put a note, that is a good idea. But the choice is yours to make. I dont think you will go to jail or anything like that!

  7. Leave your number and name on a piece of paper and put it on their windshield..

    This way if they call the cops you don't get in trouble for hit and run accident..

    Just explain it was dark, you are extrememly sorry and that you have insurance to cover damages..

  8. (Devil's advocate)Accidents happen all the time and they could now press charges on you for leaving the scene of a crash.  Bear that in mind before you volunteer your details.  They could be psychopaths who got out of jail.  Also, your insurance company will probably drop your policy.

    Those are the consequences.  That said you should do the right thing and clean up your mess.(Still listen to my better angels, when it isn't me)

  9. no, they cant trace you. they will forget about it. no biggy. **** happens.

  10. Do the right thing.  

    Beside the insurance will pay for everything.  Your  rates will NOT go up all that much - that's all myth that insurance company like to use to scare people.

    Good Luck...

  11. Put yourself in their shoes, if someone hit your car and just left you would be pretty upset, especially if there was noticeable damage. You should have your friend put your number on their car. It was an accident but you need to be mature and take responsibility for your actions...Karma can be bad ro good your choice.
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