
HELP! i found a Black Fat Spider on my wall. and i was trying to kill it but my mom came in with a broom.

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and swipped it away and it came off the wall.but when she came to put it into the toliet to flush there was nothing there............But my question is is this a deadly spider.or a normal house spider...... oh and it poked holes on my wall




  1. Look up spiders on the internet- a black widow can kill you.

  2. Chances are if your in a residential area your going to be fine now maybe if your in the middle of the desert... you might want to worry.

  3. these are silly questions

  4. If it's a Black Fat But small spider must be a Widow Spider O_o I Heard thats bad

  5. Depends where you live, but I would definitely keep my eyes open tonight...

    You know, just in case little spidey decides to take a walk in your direction!

  6. aaaaaaaaaaaaargh spider! scary.

    i would be afraid. especially in australia, we have some ugly killer spiders. they hide in toilets, apparently. so be sure to check next time you go!

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