
HELP i have a MAJOR virus?

by  |  earlier

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ok the screen turned red right after I got this little DOWNLOAD p**n TODAY pop-up and X it off.

It took me to there site but I closed out of it and then the screen came up. the virus has effected EVERY thing there is no show all programs the only thing I can go to is control panel or one of the online games I play (furcadia) I cant get on it with out it locking up and the internet is out of the question seeing as every web page I go up to has this little continue UN-protected? then I click doesn't no doesnt matter and then I get some little save your privacy and blah blah blah its really annoying

I just want to know what has to be done to fix this!

My mom failed to mention that the computer was running with ZERO protection and now she swears up and down she did, but thats besides the point please help what do I need to do?




  1. I would recommend buying Norton Antivirus. With all of the problems you're having a free scan probably won't help anything.  When you run Norton you need to start your computer in safe mode (press F8 while the computer is starting up).  The internet will not work in safe mode.  After you do a full scan restart your computer and see how your computer runs.  It should be ok when you're done running Norton.  If it still doesn't seem right download Spyboy Search and Destroy you should be able to get it free.  Run that and you should be ready to go.  If you can't get in to run a Norton scan you will have to repair windows using the installation cd.  Hope this helps!

  2. Boot in safe mode with networking & do two free online scans:

    then download:

    (free to try no need to buy)

  3. u got sum form of adware usually from a net vandal who is messing wit u or it could be some1 visted that site and added onto your browser may be one of those 4chan scums d**n them!!!!

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