
HELP i have a program on my PC called Antivirus XP 2008 ?

by  |  earlier

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it keeps telling me i have 1k virus on my PC and all these adware pop ups and stuff keep coming up can someone please respond and tell me how to get rid of it




  1. Antivirus XP is an extremely dangerous program that will try to get you to purchase it in order to continue to infect your PC.  It's a difficult program to remove but if you follow these steps you shouldn't have a problem:

    1) Specific Virus Removal Guide:

    2) Generic Virus Removal Guide:

    -This is an intricate guide that will remove any and all infections you have on your computer.  Very indepth but effective.

    3) Fix After Effects Of Virus

    -Sometimes after removal things still don't work like they're supposed to.  Just run these guides and it'll fix the problems for you.

    That should take care of the problem for you.  Good luck and safe surfing.

  2. use manual removal instructions

  3. Well I would be sure not to actually click on the pop up to download any software.  Although the name "XP Antivirus 2008" sounds official it is really a rogue anti spyware program.  For more information on rogue anti spyware programs visit the Squidoo Lens below.

  4. Automated Removal Instructions for Antivirus 2008 using Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware:

    1. Print out these instructions as we will need to close every window that is open later in the fix.

    2. Download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, or MBAM, from the following location and save it to your desktop:

    Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Download Link

    3. Once downloaded, close all programs and Windows on your computer, including this one.

    4. Double-click on the icon on your desktop named Download_mbam-setup.exe. This will start the installation of MBAM onto your computer.

    5. When the installation begins, keep following the prompts in order to continue with the installation process. Do not make any changes to default settings and when the program has finished installing, make sure you leave both the Update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware checked. Then click on the Finish button.

    6. MBAM will now automatically start and you will see a message stating that you should update the program before performing a scan. As MBAM will automatically update itself after the install, you can press the OK button to close that box and you will now be at the main program as shown below.

    7. On the Scanner tab, make sure the the Perform quick scan option is selected and then click on the Scan button to start scanning your computer for Antivirus 2008 related files.

    8. MBAM will now start scanning your computer for malware. This process can take quite a while, so we suggest you go and do something else and periodically check on the status of the scan. When MBAM is scanning it will look like the image below.

    9. When the scan is finished a message box saying the scan has finished will come up.

    10. You should click on the OK button to close the message box and continue with the Antivirus2008 removal process.

    11. You will now be back at the main Scanner screen. At this point you should click on the Show Results button.

    12. A screen displaying all the malware that the program found will be shown. You should now click on the Remove Selected button to remove all the listed malware. MBAM will now delete all of the files and registry keys and add them to the programs quarantine.

    12. When MBAM has finished removing the malware, it will open the scan log and display it in Notepad. Review the log as desired, and then close the Notepad window.

    13. You can now exit the MBAM program.

    Your computer should now be free of the Antivirus2008 program. If your current anti-virus solution let this infection through, you may want to consider purchasing the PRO version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware to protect against these types of threats in the future.

    this link is for the downloads and is the original page!

    hope this helps!

  5. Try This. Just follow the steps from here. think you can just download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware to scan and remove that antivirus xp 2008. I don't think you have to follow all the steps. It'll work %100.

  6. here is a removal video

  7. get that **** off its a pice of  VERY bad spyware run anti spyware like spybot search and destory and delete the system files for  the "program"

  8. Hello,

    It sounds like you have a bit of a trojan problem.  This can be a very bad thing if you do not get it fixed.

    Trojan infections can be very tricky to remove from your computer, and it can also let in hundreds of other malicious programs.

    Trojans can lead to spyware, malware, and even adware infections.  You should probably get this taken care of now.  

    I had a very serious spyware and trojan infection not to long ago.  It started off with a seemingly innocent pop-up, and quickly plaqued my whole computer.

    I had to evently pay my computer geek friend $100 dollars to finally fix it.  He told me that it was one of the worst cases of spyware and trojan infections he had ever seen.

    Then he told me something that really made me angry.  He said I could have prevented the whole thing if I would have protected myself with a good spyware removal program.

    He then told me that he fixed my computer by getting one of the programs from .  I don't remember exactly the one it was, but you can check it out for yourself.

  9. Do NOT go to as they only scan and then want your money, just like Antivirus XP 2008, it's another sales pitch.

    The following have worked in hundreds of cases of removing this parasite, normally the first 3 plus Wallpaper Hijacker will sort it:

    Malwarebytes Anti-Malware:

    Download, install, update and select Full Scan.

    Remove all infections that it finds after scan.

    Spybot S&D:

    Download, install, update and Immunize, then click 'Check for problems' then when complete select all and then 'Fix Checked'

    Spyware Doctor Free Basic Edition - Realtime monitoring:

    Its free with Google pack, untick all boxes except Spyware Doctor. Download install, update and run.

    SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition:

    Download, install, check for updates, then select Scan your Computer, select your drive and select Perform Complete Scan


    Disconnect your computer from the internet

    Run vundo

    Restart your computer

    Run the tool again to ensure no traces are left.

    If there are the reboot into Safe Mode and run FixVundo again.

    If your desktop has changed or icons are missing also use:

    Wallpaper Hijacker Removal Tool:

    Note: You should hit all "Repair" buttons even though it may not say "Found!" This will fix a wallpaper hijack everytime if all repair buttons are pressed.

    SmitFraud Removal

    This tool will remove Desktop hijacking malware. Firstly, download the removal tool from here:

    How to use:

    If the problem persists, turn OFF System Restore and scan with the above programs in Safe Mode, Right click My computer > select Properties > System Restore Tab > Tick Turn Off System restore on all drives.

    After scans are complete and machine is clean remember to turn system restore back ON and create a new restore point.

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