
HELP i have just noticed this strange spot on my leg?

by  |  earlier

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it looks like a freckle but its darker and slightly raised, it is very rounded and kind of looks like a 'blood blister'. i'm worried it could be something sinister???

please don't say go to the Dr as i cant go until next week.




  1. but you do need to go to a dr..dont say we cant say that!..thats what you need to do to be sure!..yeh it sounds like a blood blister..but are you going to take the word of us weirdos on here?!

  2. If you can't get to the doctors until next week, would you be able to get to a pharmacist?  They would be able to take a look at it and tell you what they think.  Or, you could call the NHS Direct helpline for advice - although I expect they will say go to your G.P.!  

    It is probably nothing and I am sure waiting a couple of days until next week isn't going to do any harm, but do get it checked otherwise it will be niggling away at the back of your mind.

    Best wishes.

  3. Do fomentation with homeopathic Thuja Q 4 drops in a teaspoon of  warm water 4 times a day until you go to doctor.Hope it will cure it before you go to consult doctor.

  4. my husband has tonnes of those,, they always come up, the dr once said theyr nothing to worry about so ofcourse he dosent even though i say he should get a 2nd opinion

    im pretty sure your spot is fine, as we age our freckles ect change a bit, i know i have a few that have gone lumpy and darker,, and my husbands are actually red looking like blood blisters xxxxxxxxxx

  5. i had a spot thingy that looked like a dark reddy blood blister on my leg

    went to the doctor and was told it was a pyogenicum granuloma and had it taken off

    they're not dangerous but can sometimes tear and bleed because they stand out from the skin a little

    does it look like this?

  6. then go to the doctors next week, if it is still there

  7. See your GP straight away

    If you use sunbeds or get exposed a lot

    You may have a Melanoma

    You could just show a nurse at the Pharmacy.  

    Try Boots Chemists, then you'll need a check in a dermatology clinic

    Best to be sure so don't wait

    Hope it's nothing serious

    : )

  8. it could be a mole

    This link takes you to a picture of a mole and see if it  looks like what you've got

  9. Put it this way, don't stress just get it checked out when you can.  Make an appointment this week for next week.  It's probably nothing to worry about but best to be sure and get it seen to sooner rather than later.  I had one on my calf sort of behind my knee, it was a tiny raised pin head lump and it annoyed me because it rubbed on my trousers.  I am glad I got it cut off, not big deal but was glad when the tests came back clear.  

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