
HELP!! i recieved my incubator and duck eggs 2day!!

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I am paniking a little bit!! the incubator is done and ive got it on the go - im going 2 leave it for 24hrs to stabliz. But what do i do with the eggs??

Do i leave them at room temperature, away from the light?

Or fridge?

baring in mind its only for one day!!! i heard i have to make the eggs reach room temp before i put them in the incubator and they have to rest for a few hours!!

Help! x




  1. Leave the eggs at room temperature.  Fertile eggs can survive for a few days before being incubated- after all, in the wild there might be a few days between the first egg being laid and the last!  Once you start incubation, if anything were to go wrong, the eggs can survive for upto 24 hours.  I wouldn't refridgerate them if I were you.  I keep my eggs in a cool  cupboard before incubating.

  2. it doesn't matter its only 1 day you can keep an egg for at lest 6 days be for incubating it! I've hatched chicks myself and a sucsess it turned out to be!

  3. You need to keep the eggs on their sides just at normal room temperature, being away from light doesn't matter but don't leave them in direct (hot) sunshine. Don't put them in the fridge.

    Turn them over just a couple of times a day until you put them in the incubator. Make sure the humidity in the incubator is set right. Duck eggs take roughly 28 days to hatch. I use a broody hen to hatch my duck eggs but the principal of waiting to let them "settle" before putting them under the hen is the same.  

  4. If your eggs are fresh you should be ok waiting a few days.  I order all our eggs on line they normally get to us before they are 10 days old, I always inspect and place on the incubator for a day before I but them in ( the room temp thing)  We have never received a bad egg ordering this way, we do use a candler to check for fertility at around 10 days in.  If you don't have one look into it the worst thing to clean up is an exploded egg.

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