
HELP! i was attacked by mosquitos, or spiders!?

by  |  earlier

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I woke up this morning itching all over, even my scalp!I've tried cortizone cream, benadryl spray, and the oral bendadryl medicine. None of its helping very much. i also just tried this spray on stuff called lanacane. Its not working I have itchy bug bites all over my body even the palms of my hand its so itcccchhhy. HELP! How do I stop itching so much?




  1. oh dont worry i get that when im out ma heed as well

    stay aff the drugs the night b4 !

    eejit !  

  2. You will have to mentally force yourself to stop paying attention to it. Once you stop scratching it will get better. Sorry thats all I have. I use to put toothpaste on it.

  3. If you scratch it enough, it'll feel better and then you'll DIE!!!!!  


  4. Best answers I have are cold, aloe vera gel, and topical anesthetic; lanacaine is one but I think you can get a stronger one.

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