
HELP! if you go to england as a foreign exchange student, would they let you go to birminghmam [england]???

by  |  earlier

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every place i talk to says that they dont accept foreign exchange students in england because of it being over populated. well would they say the same for birmingham england? anyone who has tried to go their on forign exchange please help me.

also if i cant go to birmingham england what other city would you suggest in england [i would like to go to a city, because i live in the country]

thanks :D




  1. I work for a student exchange organization and I believe one of our students got placed in Birmingham this year. I don't know who you talked to but you can definitely study abroad in England if that is what you want. A good place to find reputable companies is to log onto

    My company is Pacific Intercultural Exchange ( and we have a full listing.

    Good Luck.

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