
HELP! im 15 years old (male) and im going to a party with ma freinds but the thing is that i sweat ALOT HELP?!

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HELP! I'm 15 years old (male) and I'm going to a party with ma Friends but the thing is that i sweat ALOT HELP?! how do i stop the sweating or reduce it? i would walk 1 block and start sweating and by the time i would get there my shirt would be wet underneath my do i stop this???? it's embarrassing enough tha i carry a towel over my shoulder...please help




  1. wear an undershirt.

    thats what i do and you can see the sweet on your shirt

    also use deoderant that helps with anti perspirant and use the spray on for smell

  2. Dude that totally sux. i feel 4 , i dnt sweat that much only if its hot or im running. A party woot woot party hard. Dont get anyone weat with ur sweat though, cuz thats nasty. Try that new deodorant its like perscription something idk i saw a commercial its supposed 2 be super anti-persperent...Try ptting it everywhere u sweat. :p

  3. i think you should wear 2 shirts then it shouldn't show as much...maybe bring another shirt with just in case and get OTC deodorant  

  4. I dont know where you live but your pharmacy might have a product called driclor, it stops sweating completly but can be a bit itchy. It might be called something else in your country but if you ask a doctor or pharmacist they should be able to give you something simular.

  5. wear 1 shirt and bring one, wear LOTS of deodorant  

  6. Dress cooler like in a tank top and shorts or something. Stick with loose clothing and something that breathes instead of heavy fabrics like wool, polyester or nylon. Also, if you are going to the party with your friends then ask if someone is driving. If so see if you can sit in the front seat near the A/C to prevent you from getting over heated. Be sure that you wear a strong deodorant and some cologne so that you will not smell if you do start to sweat at the party. Have fun at the party!

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