
HELP im only 14 and i don't know wats wrong with me i searched everything and cant go to doctors!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i searched googlee about everything it was about 3 weeks ago when this happend but I'm still worried because it happens randomly to me and the last time was sooo much worse than all the other times. Ok since i was 6 or 7 one moment il be fine then i would feel this mega pressure that lasted 10-20 seconds from my brain at the back top of it sorta in the middle . I would get it around 4 times in a year then as i got older my tongue started to get affectedd it would go into a unusuall shape it would last 10-30 seconds. Then i had a break for 2 years and its like it came back with revenge cuz this time when it happend i herd a snap or pop sound come from my brain and my tongue went weird as well and half the side of my face had a burning numbing feeling to it this lasted for around 5 hours but my tonguet didn't go right untill the next day and i could still feel wear it happend for like 2 days there was pressure there. I cant go to doctors cuz in australia you have to be 16 i think it cost u alot anyways and my mum dosent think its serious could u please help thanks , ive tryed looking up what cause casue a snap sound but i cant find it

m also very short i dont kno if that has anytihng to do with it but i did go to doctors about this after years of begging my mum but she took me to late im now stuk at 4'8, they found nothing in my blood work, i only grew 20cm in 6 years




  1. if it was in your brain the dr should have done a CAT scan or or MRI...maybe you should explain to your mom how much it is freakin you out...i'll pray for you maybe you could try it sounds kinda like bell's palsy,,,but I'm no dr.

  2. It sounds like you may have a partial seizure disorder.  You would need to go to a neurologist to have this confirmed. If this is what it is they can be controlled with meds.

  3. If your family can't afford to take you to a Dr., there are free clinics you can go to. Talk to a teacher or counselor at school. They will get you the help you need. It sounds like a serious problem.  

  4. there are free clinics you can go to. this sounds like something very serious, i would go as soon as possible.

  5. You ABSOLUTELY need to see a Neurologist. You have some serious disorder going on in your brain and it sounds very serious. My Neurologist sent me for an MRI just because my lower lip got numb from the middle over to the corner from time to time. Your tongue is going into irregular shapes and your face is burning and going numb and it's lasting longer and longer. You could have a tumor in your brain. I'm not as worried about your size as the other symptoms. You need to get to a Neurologist WITHOUT DELAY. Tell your parents all you have told us. YOU NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR ASAP!!!!!!!

  6. you really need to see a doctor and tell the doctor all the details, more details than what you wrote here.


  7. They need to get you an MRI. I don't mean to scare you, but it sounds like it could be a tumor. It might not be malignant, but you need to get it checked out. Immediately. I'm not a doctor, but that sounds shady. Even if your mom doesn't want to take you, go to the school doctor and tell them your symptoms. Or go to a hospital. Your insurance should cover emergency care. And even if it doesn't, what's more important? Your life, or money?

  8. sorry i looked but if you can clear up what your saying it would be better to understand. Write how you feel and then write the symptoms separately  

  9. it sounds like you have some nerve crossings in your brain. it may also be a form of mild seizures. i would INSIST to your mother that she take you to a doctor, as this has gotten worse and has started to affect the nerves in your face.

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