
HELP!:( im stuck in a serious situation!

by  |  earlier

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i need some help my mom and dad r getting a divore and she signed the papers this morning,she asked me if i was ok with it and i said yes but i didnt really mean it but one side of me does and the other not sooo much! i love my dad and my mom said in a couple of years we might be moving to washington cuz im currently living in AZ right now and i dont want to leave my dad help please!!!!!!!




  1. just be strong i passed through this situation too but i live now with my dad while i cry and miss my mom so much you will learn to be strong although its too hard in the begining , but i see my mom every one or tow weeks

    you will be able to see him

    be patient.

  2. You have to be honest and tell them what you want. I know you don't want to leave either one of them but that is why you have to be honest. They don't really know what your feeling until you speak up. Good Luck Sweety!!!

  3. That is the reality of life sometimes, girl.  There are certain things we don't want to happen but it happens because of the fact that somebody should give way and be a looser or winner.  You are on the side of the looser, no offense but winners are your parents who has a decision that should be respected.  They know what they are doing that is why it ends up to a divorce. Anyway, you will feel that you will be the winner if someday you will see them both happy.  Isn't it you step out on the words you gave way for them which is considering your understanding to your parents.  Just be strong and life must go on.  

  4. talk to ur mum about this and im sure she wont take u away from ur dad if she noz how much u love him sit down and tell her how down itz making u gd luck

    babygyrl AKA sonia - 2k8

  5. well you have to respect there decision because it wouldn't be fair for them to say together just for you ..they are individuals and deserve to be happy as well!! But you should talk to your mom about the move and that it's important to stay just as close to your dad as you were before ..she'll have to respect that. The best way to deal with all this is communication. I know you must be going through alot so you should also have a girls night and just get comfy and watch movies with your best friends and i am sure they can help you deal!!

  6. talk to your mom... tell her what you feel and what's in your heart. if you really didn't mean it, then take it back before its too late. she will understand, moms have a big heart =)

    good luck

  7. Tell your mom and dad how you feel about it D:

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