
HELP in pain - reflex neurovasular dystrophy [RND/RSD]?

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have RND/rsd whatever same thing but my docter told me there nothing he could do for me cause the physical therapy didn't work i have on idea what do to do now im only 16 so i was going thought the childerns hospital of philly now schools starting i still have paini have no docter to help me or to write a note for school so i can have the homebound tutor to teach me so that i dont have to go to school in pain ..

is there anyone who has this or something like that can suggest a type of treatment .. or what kind of docter i need to go to outside of the childerns hospital system of CHOP thanks i could really use the help




  1. Hey, me again.

    No i don't take any sort of drug anymore.

    I was on so many different kinds that they all made me sick and now i can hardly take anything without vomiting...

    You had surgery? I know for a fact that that really isn't good for it. Did it make a difference for you at all?

    I now get hooked up to a machine (simple and painless) twice a day for 80min treatments each. All it is is little sticky pads that stick in certain spots that send electro pulses through my body. The doctor I see, (Dr. Rhodes in Corpus Christi) used to have RSD and HE PUT HIMSELF IN REMISSION WITH THIS MACHINE! it hasn't started working yet, but this is the only thing i have faith in anymore, and i know it will start working for me.

    Well, it has helped a little. My leg is back to normal size and colour, and I got off crutches for the first time since October 13th, 2006 on July 7th 2008, so now i can walk, and my pain level is now an 8/10 instead of a 800000000/10 in my right leg, but i'm starting to have a feeling that im getting it in my left....

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