
HELP! just 3 questions.. 10 pts?

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which foods have chemicals one them that can make you bigger, or fatter...

when i weight myself, i weight 127 lbs, and 56 kilos... i went to this page and found out that 56 kilos were actually 123 lbs!.. whats wrong?

how do i look; 5'5 126 13yrs




  1. Its actually good and sometimes not! but whoever said beer a fried chicken was right... and fattening meat. I don't eat meat so I wouldn't but I do go to a Medical School so um I would know!

  2. you look just the way God wants you to look..perfect,don't worry about what other people think,you can't go thru life trying to will be in a bad way in the future if you have to just think of yourself and your look just fine.don't worry.

  3. 56kg is 123.458 ish lbs. So your scale is wrong, i suppose

    5'5 and 126lbs? Try really good, or actually, near perfect...>_>"..I'm 5'5 and 132lbs><

  4. I don't understand... Do you think that you weigh more when you see 123 instead of 56? Yes, 123 is a bigger number. However, the way pounds and kilograms are measured is different, it just seems more. You weigh the same in both 56 kilos and 123 pounds.

  5. Fried Chicken and Beer....that's what made me fat.

  6. My only guess would be that your scale is off.

  7. thats the right weight for your height, there's nothing wrong

  8. um thats sort of good :P

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