
HELP! matches are dangerous!?

by  |  earlier

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i was lighting a candle and my finger started hurting. i quickly blew out the match but my fingernail was brown and some of my skin was white! it didnt hurt that bad.. but i stuck my finger in some ice. am i going to be okay?




  1. How did you do that?  Actually burn yourself until it is brown?  And white skin?  Burns usually irritate skin till they are red not white.  Are you exaderating at all?  I burnt my finger and the nail cupped a bit and the skin under it got red, thats it, and that was with a stove fire, how did you do that with a candle?

    Anyways, cold water and it will get better.

  2. ugh.


    are you stupid?

    you burnt yourself.

    don't play with matches.

    and of course matches are f*cking dangerous.

    duhh FIRE.

  3. sure, you'll be fine! i've burned my fingers before, and they always get back to normal. cold water and ice are good, and maybe use fingernail polish to cover your nail until it gets better!  

  4. you might have to have it amputated go too the ER right away

  5. you burned yourself. run it under some cold water and then leave it alone. it will get better soon

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