
HELP me and my friend heard a gunshot more infro please read?

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okay me and myfriends were playing in these woods and we heard a gunshot like a shot gun shot we were petrafided we ran as qucikly as we could out and we have no clue what to do please help




  1. umm, lets see I hear a gun shot ..should I go home and ask everyone on Y answers or should i CALL THE POLICE....

    yea I can see how that could be a tough decision.

  2. how far away were u?

  3. call the police and report what you heard. in this day & age its better to act than ignore it.

  4. You should go back to where you heard the gun shots and yell is anybody here with a gun.

  5. RUN as fast as you can away from there dude.

  6. Call the police, it could be serious or it could be hunting season, but don't listen to your parents.

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