
HELP me anyone i really need advice?

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where do i start i have asked this question before and i aint got any answers i keep thinking i am gonna die and this thing inside will not let go i hate this feeling every morning when i wake up until i go to sleep i think of it all the time and sometimes i think well why dont you just get it over and done with and end my life it hurts me so much to think of this i have a wonderful family a daughter and a husband and i love the bones of them all but i am sick of the way i am feeling i have done things so wrong in my life as in stealing money from my familys purses when i was young i would ring my auntie up and not answer just ring and ring then not answer when she picks up the phone and i think i am a bad person for that yo might all laugh out there but only i know what i am feeling inside and i hate this feeling i dont want to go to the docters cos they will say if you think you have a illness you will end up getting it anyway so i cannot win i cannot find he caurse to this illness i have plz anyone help and no one say i am cracked cos i aint





  1. i think u should repent and think positively u shouldnt think about the past anymore and just focus on the future. try not to let that feeling get into ur head and play it off. good luck  

  2. First off you need to know that you are being watched over. God loves you and has his eye on you. You need to repent of your pass, people you have done wrong to let them know and say you are sorry. You might be suffering from a guilty conscious. Also, try and go to a Church service where you can feel the love of God and you will feel peace. Let your husband know what you are going through to. He is your other half and will understand and be by your side. Hope this helps!

  3. Firstly, it would be very selfish for you to die because you'd be putting your family through so much pain, which is 1,000,000 of times worse than that of stealing money. Can i just say, that we have all made bad mistakes and aslong as we don't do them again, And apoligse to ourselves, aswell as promising ourselves that they will never happen again, then life moves on.

    Secondly, i think i have a rough idea as to what your going through. Its called a psycho-symatic illness, and they are extremely common. You can get them through all sorts of things, and it is basically an illness that isn't really there. Stupid it sounds i know. For example, if your really paranoid about the effects of alcohol, and you really wated to stop but couldn't, then everytime you had the slightest drink, you would think that it would make something wrong with you, for example Cancer of the liver. You would convince yourself, even though you liver was fine, that it was malfunctioning and you would start to feel pain in your back, in the liver area and think you dying. The only way to release this fear, would be to go to a doctor and have an X-Ray, and the second it prooved there was no cancer, the pain would vanish.

    Its to do with stress, in your case its more psychological as opposed to health. Let me guess ? You could have sweats, and a nervous butterfly feeling that makes you sick constantly ? And because theres no reason for it, the psycho-symatic illness will lead you to believe it is getting worse. Now this is tricky because you can't get an X-Ray to see if your a bad person, so i would recommend apologising to all the people you have hurt, or think you have hurt. If they accept the apoliges, then slowly the pain will start go away, trust me. Its hard to believe if it hasn't happened to you but its true.

    At the end of the day. You haven't exactly murdered people ? And the way your "hurt" is because your scared and you acknowledge where you have gone wrong. This means your a Warm-Hearted person. And it doesn't seem fair that you go through this trouble. Can you please for the sake of me who is now worrying and for your family, try out what I said and see if it works ?

    And please keep me posted on your progress.

    Good luck

  4. see a counsellor

  5. I know this feeling after my mom passed away and moving with my dad who wasnt in my life until now. It is okay to feel it everyone goes through it once in there life but really you just have to forgive yourself and forget about the passed and think about the future think about what will happen to your family if you do they might feel the same way as you and we all know you dont want them too everyone has a different effect to everything a little problem in someones life might be a big one in others you just have to see all the good things in your life riight now no one should feel this way no matter what we live for a reason and that reason will come or maybe it already did you just havent noticed it yet but soon enough it will come to you  

  6. Your doctor is right really,you can 'make' yourself ill but you need to see him and ask to be referred to someone who can help..You can always talk to the Samaritans,they ar there 24/7 and are brilliant...............

  7. You need to find yourself and forgive yourself for your past transgressions. If you cannot forgive yourself, nobody else will forgive you. Get some professional help of if you cannot afford it, go to the library and get some self-help books to learn how to ditch your self-hatred.  

  8. you can only go to the doctors. this clearly isnt a normal reaction to little things im sure everyone has done in their childhood. if you feel THAT wrong about those things then start life again instead of ending it. start on a fresh peice of canvas and try to make people's lives better to make up for the childish pranks you did as a kid.

    but really, you sound awefully depressed and the doctor will give you a cure for it. you say you cannot i didnt understand that bit. the cure will obviously take this terrible feeling away, therefore you'd win...i dont see how you'd "end up getting it anyway" when you have it already and doctors are there to cure you, not disease you.

    if you think it was selfish of you to steal your parent's money and etc then just imagine how selfish it would be to kill yourself.

    go see a psychiatrist and dont make excuses, you need it.

    its normal to feel a bit of regret about these childish pranks...thats not the disease...the disease here is blowing it WAY out of proportion and considering death. THAT is why you feel terrible and suicidal, THAT is why it isnt normal, THAT is what needs to be fixed and the way to fix that is a) starting again and forgeting the past, if that doesnt work...b) go to the doctors. whether you like it or not, this IS a mental issue which must be fixed.

    go to the doctors ASAP. if i were there i would literally drag you there. do it please!!

    i hope i convinced you, it would be wise.

  9. Don't worry your past made you who you are to day and the women your husband fell in love with. You are a better person now, everyone has regrets it's just life and you learn from them...

  10. Firstly, you can't change the past, so forget about what you did when you were younger. We all did stuff we regret, but all you can do is be a decent person from now. You sound as if you either have an anxiety disorder or depression. I know you don't want to but go to your dr so that they can put you in touch with someone you can talk to. You have many things in your life for which to be thankful and of which many people would love to have. Try to appreciate those as a starting point for you to see you have a decent life.

  11. Thank You for your thought provoking question. No you are not cracked. You are simply asking some very tough questions that most of us can step around and ignor. As for the mean or dishonest things you have done wellcome to the club, as we have all done foolish things that we regret. How ever if it is not in your power to make restitution or ask forgiveness then you have Gods permission to forget those things.

      Next, as for dieing you neednt borrow from tomorrow. The time will come soon enough. My mother is in the process of leaving us now. She has forgotten who we are and doesnt open her eyes. I guess hospice said it best in that while we are saying good bye on this side , there are others who have gone on before saying here she comes.

                                               Hug your little ones and thank God for all you have.   Love Grampa B

  12. Wait...  you have a problem stealing money? ... or what?

    First of all, just take a step back and relax. Everything will be okay. Just don't worry.

    If you think you have some kind of mental problem, or stress disorder, you NEED to go to the doctor. They can help you. It's not scary. They can give you medication to help you feel better and it will be worth it.

    And if you don't want to see the doctor, see a counselor. I've even been to one before for depression. Talking to someone about it does help, and it's not something to be ashamed of at all.

    If you're having feelings of guilt then maybe it's a good indication that you need to ask God for forgiveness for the things you've done in the past. Ask your family for forgiveness and admit to stealing. It will be worth it in the long run.

    Maybe you don't know what direction you're heading in life? Or don't know the meaning or purpose in life? This will help:

  13. the things you have done are not that bad- you should apologise to ur auntie and your other family members who you took money from- you were young, so i'm sure they will forgive you, just tell them and you will feel better

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