
HELP me i wet my self at school!!!?

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Im 15 years old and i was in class it was 4th period my stomach was cramping and stuff when school finished my stomach really was hurting then my friend came infront of my locker then i needed to go tolit but i couldent hold it in So i wet my self and it flooded all over the floor and im scared that some people from my class saw IM SCARED how do i go to school on monday with out getiing embarast now people are gonna laugh at me and think im a baby cuz there was alot of pee on the floor!!!!!!!




  1. that suuuuucks, well either way u still gotta deal with it ittl go away eventually, its not like you can just drop out

  2. Just explain how you couldn't hold it and how your cool enough not to be embarassed

  3. Chances are you won't be in school on Monday since it is Memorial Day and by then, no one will think another thought about it.

    Should some thoughtless clod mention it, simply say nothing and keep walking.

    If you speak to the issue, it will never die. If you ignore it, it will be forgotten.

  4. don't wrry bout it. Everyone has an embarrsing thing. If they laugh at it, u should laugh at it too, so it doesn't look like it bothers you much. It'll pass, and later people will forget about it.

  5. Everyone has embarassing moments.  When I was younger I sneezed in a guys face when we kissed.  After that everyone called me sneezer.  It was pretty lame...but you just have to learn to laugh about it.  That was years ago, and I was just talking about it the other day to my friends.

    If people make fun of you and you get mad, it will only make them make fun of you more.  If they make fun of you and you laugh with them, chances are they won't make fun of you because they aren't getting a rise out of you.

  6. lol it happens you will laugh about it later on.. dont worry about it

  7. Laughing is the best medicen! But if it does not work, they will forget about it. Im sure your friends will be on your side Hun!

  8. wow bravo, bravo, you care on what people think and your getting embarresed about something so minor, i almost would think you were younger for being paranoid about this not because you pissed yourself, sorry if i affend you but, you really shouldn't worry

  9. NO one has school on monday it is a holiday so it will be over by then

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