I want to have some money of my own really bad so I can go to the mall and for other stuff like shoes
I am 14
I've tried looking for a babysitting job online, at church, in family, asking people-and advertising-NOTHING-Nobody needs a babysitter!
I've tried applying to bag groceries-NOTHING people think you're dumb because you're 14 and they don't call you back and my dad doesn't want me doing that-he says I'm too young
My parents don't give me an allowance-I don't think they'll pay me for chores really. I tried that before and there's not much chores because my mom does all that. Just don't suggest that idea.
All those kiddie jobs like dogwalking and lawncare-I don't live in a subdivision so I can't really do much of that and my neighbors are weird and I don't want their $
Those online survey things-don't give you money-big whaste of time.
I want some money of my own! How?