
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! mum nd dad problem!?

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I used to be realy rich. I had 3 houses and everything i ever wanted.

My mum and dad had great jobs and where earning about 500,000 a year! My dad decided tostart a new compan and now everything has gone bad...

The company is not working, we have lost allour money, and we had to sell our sports car and house in america.

We have put in 400,000 pounds to et this company started and its nt working.

We are running out of money and my dad owns the bank 3,000.

my mum was chatting on the phone when i heard her friends ask how the copany is going which my mum rplyed to...i dont know if its ever going to work but my husband is nt giving up.Hes going to work on it until the money runs out.

What shall i do?

I hate my dad for doing this to us. For taing all the nice things in our ife away so that his stupid comany wrks.

He acts ike its great but the truth is its not.

What shall i do?




  1. Get a job and welcome to real life.

  2. You tell your dad that your life was better and he must not have changed  your status in life before.

  3. your lucky to have had it good for as long as u have. Yes welcome to the real world u cannot hate your father for trying and starting a new business what u think he wanted to loose all your families cash i dont think so. Dont think of yourself  and be selfish if u dont like it u earn your own cash and start your own career.

    This maybe your first real life test - many more to come my dear

  4. Hey dont get worked up. i understand you are in a very delicate situation.

    But dont you think you should be supporting your dad instead of accusing him!

    c'mon he is your dad and he definitely means well for you and  your mum.

    Maybe investing in this company of his was a bad mistake..  but who doesn't Make mistakes??

    Would he have put in all his life time earnings if he knew he was in for a loss??

    For a minute  just 'get into his shoes'  to see how  he must be feeling.

    He's lost all his money but he's still working so hard to come out of the loss.. dont you think your support and prayers will help him??Think about it...

    living in luxury is not that big a deal

    but supporting your dad and making him feel better when he is feelin broke very important.

  5. just another spoiled little rich gurl!!! try living in a car for two months with your 4 month old. try asking perfect strangers to pay for a pack of diapers for you kid. try goin to interview after interview knowing that b/c you don't have a home, yur not getting a job, b/c that makes you unreliable! im lucky i found a NOT rich man with money, but a man rich in  love with  me for me, and wants nothing but the best walmart can buy me! seriously, GO GET A JOB WHINE ARS!!!!!  

  6. You need to realize that he is already in the problem so there is not much he can do.If he backs out he probably won't loose any more money but he will not have the opportunity to get any more either.

    You are not going to be able to rely on your parents wealth forever.When you grow up and have to earn your own money and manage your own home you will realize just how hard it is.

    This rough time will do you a world of good.You should appreciate what you have and remember and some families probably don't even have what you get as an allowance.

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