
HELP!!! my KITTENS have learned how to climb our fence and they could get run over!?

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my mom says that we can't shut the doggie door cuz she did a lot of work to get our dog to go to the bathroom outside and if we close it,she will keep the house messy even if we cleaned her p**p and pee up. also it is not fair for the kittens to be in a cage!so what should we do???




  1. Either use the idea that was already suggested about getting a door only activated by your dog's collar or set up a cat fence on the existing fence.

    Something horizontal like this:

    or diagonal that will keep them from climbing/jumping over.

    My mother and I built our own version fairly easily years ago and it kept all the cats inside the fence.

  2. keep your kittens in another room or down stairs, or upstairs, or you can get one of the doggie doors that is activated by a collar,  

  3. Can the cats get out of the door themselves or do you help them? You could always try leashing them with harnesses in the back yard (be sure to keep them away from fences so they can't hang themselves) Hope this helps :)

  4. You are not only putting your cats in danger by letting them be outside where cars are, but where kids/adults can take your kittens and torture them, they can be attacked by other animals, or get diseases....this isn't even including being injured from falling.  Please put the kittens in a room with food and water (and a small kitten-size litterbox) with the door closed when you can not watch them and keep them from going outside.  If you do not have a room to put them in, then leave them in a large crate with the same items.  Most cats sleep for 16 hours a day anyway.  Just make sure you play with them and give them lots of interaction when you are home.  Anything is better than the pain of injury because you refused to do something.

  5. Hard situation. They make doggie doors where the animal wears a collar with a sensor on it that unlocks the door so that animal can go in and out. But other animals without the sensor the door will not unlock for them so they wouldn't be able to get out. Would that be a possibility?

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