
HELP... my mom is starting to doubt i actually want this!

by Guest57462  |  earlier

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OK, so ive ben asking my mom for a nose peircing for like 4 months no. ive wanted it for 2yrs but didnt say anything, i just thought of it and read up on the dangers and i decided i DO want it. so, i asked her. she said ask ur dad. he said yes. she said if hes ok with it u can get it. now shes doubtin i actually want ti and thinks when i get it ill regret it. but she knows ive been researching/ thinking for 2yrs! i want to know how do i convince her to let me get it? TY!




  1. tell her calmly and maturally that u hav been wanting this for 2 years and that u hav done a solid amount of research on it

  2. ummm... it might be helpful to remind your mom that holes usually heal up with if you dont want it later u can just take it out....

    as for the convincing...not sure...whats she like?

  3. Tell her that you want it and if you decide later after you get it you dont like it are dont want it anymore let her know that you can take it out and that you wont ever tell that it was ever there! Good Luck!  

  4. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

  5. Just tell her that if you end up regretting it then you'll pay them back the money to get it done. That's safe to say because I'm sure you're going to love it after you have it! Or you could always put a nose ring on your nose in a picture with paint or something like that, and be all excited about how it looks. good luck!

  6. I had exactly the same thing.  I wanted my ears pierces since I was about 4 but I wasn't allowed until I was older, each time I hit the age I had been promised, I was told no again on the same grounds, 'you will regret it when you are older.'  

    There is  only one way to convince them, keep telling them they have said yes and that they cannot say no now.  It works.

  7. The hole is so tiny that if you decide you dont want it anymore there wont be a scar or anything. I have my nose pierced and I have to take it out for work because i work around food and when it isnt in you cant even see the hole at all... So i dont know why you'd regret it.. Its not like a big tatoo that you can see forever.

  8. if you dont like it you can always remove it.. so its not that big of a deal.... at least its not a tattoo...

  9. Tell her that you've been wanting this for two years, you've got your heart set on it, you've researched it thoroughly, thought about it deeply and still are willing to do anything for that piercing. Also tell her that in the unlikely case that you do get sick of it, you can just take out the nose ring and leave it, and the hole will heal and close itself; sure, it might cost a little bit of money, but not TOO much, and money can always be replaced... happiness is more important. Offer to pay for it out of your pocket if you have to.

  10. you said she said ''ok if dad says yes'' ??? and at the end of the paragraph you say ''how do i convince her to let me get it? TY!'' ???

  11. Tell her it's your body, and you need to learn how to disrespect your body and your parents by doing something against their wishes, and someday you'll have a daughter and you'll put a nose ring on her when she is three.

  12. Well, first of all, you should think about the reasons why you want a nose piercing. Do you think it looks cool? Is it to impress your friends? Explain to her why you want it so bad. Think about the long term effects as well. If you change your mind, you can always take the piercing out. Show her that you're responsible and that you've really thought this through. Tell her that yes, you might regret it someday, but if you do it's your choice. You have to learn by making your own mistakes. If she tells you no and won't let you get it, you'll just be wanting it for forever and the idea will always stay in your head. She should let you make the choice.

    Good luck!

  13. you already convinced her. it's your self who is not convinced that she is really convinced. i based this on what you said.

  14. Just tell her that you really do want to do it. If you do regret getting it, you can always take it out. My sister had hers for a long time and took it out when she got married and you can't even tell she used to have one. So if you regret it you can take it out.

  15. I no how u feel I want a nose peircing and a second peircing to one ear but my mum always says no and when I ask my dad he says "Im not gettin into this" and "listen to your mother!" Its SAD!!!!!!!

  16. I've got my nose did hurt a bit, but was worth it!  

  17. She just wants to make sure, I think. Also mothers don't like to see their children grow up and you'll look more grown up with a nose piercing...she's probably hoping you'll reconsider. Talk to her, and tell her that you've researched on all the dangers and you really want to do this. Let her know that it really means a lot to you. Wait and see what she says about that and if she still thinks you'll regret it tell her...well you can always just not wear the stud or whatever, because seriously...that's about what makes a piercing a piercing. I got my ears pierced and I started to regret it because my ears get infections so I just don't wear any earrings and they're fine, it's like I never pierced my ears even though the hole is there. I know the nose is a bit different but it's still the same basic principle.

  18. yeah.. you are one strange cookie.

  19. go for it if you really want it and if you dont like it then just take it off...just get your mom to take you to the shop.

  20. Go for it you'll look fine as h**l!!!!

  21. get 1 there really stylish i have 1 it didn't hart  

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